I walked right past her where she stood there stunned, and continued to walk home. I felt truly alone now and the thought of returning to school tomorrow made me want to puke. But it was better to be alone then be surrounded by bad people. I'd be okay, I still had Remi.

The thought of my big brother made me sniffle. He was exactly what I needed right now and the thought of having his big arms wrapped around me, keeping me safe and comforting me, prompted me to walk faster.

In no time I was walking through the front door of our tiny terrace house in search of my favourite person. I dropped my bag and kicked off my shoes by the front door. The delicious smell of cooking food barely registered as I ran down the hall towards the kitchen.

Remi stood with his muscular back to me, cooking over the stove. I barrelled into him, flinging my arms around his waist. He grunted, but let out a small chuckle, turning around and embracing me properly.

"Hey, honey," he hummed, holding me close and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I held onto him tighter and buried my face against him deeper. "I'm so proud of you for being brave. You did so well today, better than you realise right now. I'll remember this, how strong you were, how courageous. You made me so proud," he repeated, rubbing my back in soothing motions.

"I didn't win-"

"In my eyes you won. In this house, you are my fabulous student council member and we will follow all of your amazing pledges. Now, as head boy-"

"Head boy?" I giggled, looking up at him with questioning eyes. "I don't remember voting for that."

"Hush," he grunted and I grinned wider. "As head boy, I have prepared a special evening for us. You are invited to the school disco at eight, in the living room. Be there or be square. Get your homework done, have a shower and get dressed. There's an outfit on the-"

I squealed, wrenched myself out of his arms and ran from the room, barreling up the stairs. Remi's laughter followed me all the way up to my bedroom.

"Eight o'clock!" He yelled after me. "Patience, child!"

Excitement made me quick as I entered and closed the door behind me. There on my bed was a shoe box decorated with a bright pink bow on the lid. I ripped the lid off and peered inside. My heart began to thud inside my chest.

Neon pink leg warmers, fishnet tights, a grey, pleated mini skirt with badass chains hanging off the sides, one of my white school shirts he'd obviously hacked into with scissors to crop it and a bright pink tie. Beneath all of the clothes was a little note.

Sweet boy, in this world there will always be ignorance, prejudice and hatred. But how you deal with it will determine your quality of life in the end. I want you to know that you have the power to rise above all of that and be whoever you want to be. It won't always be easy and there are times when you'll get hurt. But I believe in you, I love you and I know that you'll always be the trendiest, most loving, intelligent person I'll ever know. Fuck everyone else. Put your uniform on at 8 and bring your skates.

PS: Your classmates are stinky bitches. They probably got cooties and that's why they're mad ;-)

Love, Remi x

I kissed the note and held it over my heart with tears stinging my eyes. Remi always knew what to say to lift my spirits. He was the best brother in the world, even if sometimes he didn't think so himself. I knew he worried that he couldn't do enough for me, but simply being himself was all I needed. He truly was amazing.

Sweet Boy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now