We all vote to skip and we go back to playing, as I'm doing O2 I get killed by corpse. I shake my head "wow the audacity" I shake my head and follow him around as a ghost and look at the chat every so often. "What do I think of corpse? Uh well he seems cool, this is the first round so we'll see how the first impression goes" I respond.

The bubble for dead chat starts up I click and look to see that sykkuno and rae are both dead now. 'Who killed you amelia?' Rae asks. I shake my head typing 'corpse' I answer her.

Another meeting starts as someone discovered my body. "Finally" I comment. "Oh shoot sykkuno and rae are dead too!" Poki notices. "Ok who killed sykkuno!" Corpse asks angrily. "If it wasn't corpse it had to be brook or lud" I point out. I look at the chat and they're all saying lud.

I sit back and watch this play out and lud ends up getting voted out. I follow corpse around and he kills brooke in cams then vents to electrical. I shake my head watching him wait then finds poki in admin killing her and venting to nav. Theres now jack, corpse, toast and Janet. "Um corpse where were you?" Janet asks.

"I was in nav" he answers. I shake my head laughing "he's big brain" I comment. I look at the chat and they're saying how good he is. "How'd you get there?" She questions. "Did you vent?" Jack jokes. "No I went through the bottom of storage" he replies. Janet ends up sussing jack and as much as he tells the truth they still believe corpse.

They vote jack and the game starts up again. I laugh checking on Janet's stream "oh shit its corpse!" She yells. I shake my head laughing as the three of them go in a circle until he ends up killing toast. The game ends and everyone's laughing. "That was very big brained corpse, I'm not even mad you killed me" I compliment him.

I can hear him laughing "thank you Amelia" he replies. The next game starts, its rae and I as imposter. "Oh this should be good" I say out loud. We both go around faking tasks separately, as soon as admin is empty i check the table and call lights. I vent all the way to electrical, kill toast then vent to cams quickly going to medbay.

Nobody reports the body or turns lights on giving rae and I a chance to do a double kill in admin venting to nav. Theres now rae sykkuno, corpse, jack, janet and I. She must've killed brooke somewhere since we killed lud and poki at once. Our kill cooldown finishes and we search for more but the body is found in electrical.

"Woah that's a lot of dead bodies" rae comments. I laugh letting them talk before they sus me "no I was with rae most of the round right?" I defend myself. She agrees and we move on. Nobody votes quick enough so its skipped.

Corpse and sykkuno tend to hang around eachother so I can't get them. I turn the lights off and follow behind sykkuno. He starts doing download at the back of electrical so I kill him then quickly vent to cams where rae is waiting. We quickly to go the other side of the map where jack and janet are before corpse has reported sykkunos body.

"Who killed him?!" He asks sounding upset. "Where was the body?" Rae asks him. "Back of electrical" he answers. "So it was a vent kill" Janet says. "Or corpse killed him, rae and Amelia were with us when it was reported" jack points out. "We have to vote this round, I've been sus of rae for a minute" janet says. "What? What makes me sus?" She asks. "You've been quiet during meetings" she replies voting rae.

Rae defends herself successfully and we all agree and skip. "Oh crap I think I have to kill jack make it seem like corpse did it" I start the game play in my head. After a little bit of cam spying I cut the lights and thankfully only jack goes there so I vent, kill quickly and then vent back and then run to admin.

Rae comes in and janet comes in shortly after, rae hadn't killed so she kills Janet securing a win. "Wow good one" corpse comments. "That was interesting to watch" toast says.

We play for another hour before janet has to go. "Do we have a fill?" Poki asks. "I invited bretman roc" corpse replies. "Oh great that's exciting" poki says excitedly. A few minutes later bretman comes in "oh hey Amelia it's nice to meet you" he notices me. I laugh "it's nice to meet you too bretman" I reply.

Just a few hours later and tons of water we decide to stop playing so we can eat or do other things. Before the last round I order uber eats and we start. I get crewmate and I'm killed by sykkuno fairly quick. I sit back following him and reading the chat.

I like playing with corpse he's cool to play with. "How do you feel about corpse now? Um he's cool! I'll definitely play again" I answer. The round ends fairly quick after sykkuno and corpse both kill with no meetings. "Wow that one was quick!" Rae laughs.

Once we've said our goodbyes I end my stream and turn everything off. My food arrives and I sit on my couch watching tv and scrolling through twitter. A tweet of corpses comes on my timeline and I notice he followed me just a minute ago. I follow him back and scroll through twitter some more.

Well well well mr. Corpse is very popular. After finishing my food and episode of new girl I check my schedule for the week. Proximity chat among us with rae's lobby in a couple days and raft with John, jodi and rae tomorrow night.

I spend the rest of my night scrolling through twitter and replying to dm's.


Nice game! Looking forward to playing again

I type out a quick reply and move onto tiktoks I've been tagged in. At around 1am i get a goodnight text from rae and poki. At the end of the week I'll be moving to LA and they'll be helping me unpack and set everything up.

When my now ex broke up with me I immediately wanted to move to LA so I can be closer to rae, poki, toast, janet, lily and sykkuno. They've been such great friends throughout this tough time in my life. I'm really looking forward to spending a lot of time with them.

Around 2am I crawl into bed and fall asleep fairly quickly.

Hope you enjoyed! I wont be including every game that they play and there will be time jumps

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