Chapt 16

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when I was trying to find a birthday for Amelia I knew she had to be a Gemini since they go with Leo's so I chose June 6th but for a specific reason, my grandma passed away on June 6th so I used that date um yeah enjoy

June 5th

After a discord meeting with everyone in the group yesterday we all agreed on playing rust together to celebrate my birthday at midnight. I'm going to be 23 and saying goodbye to singing 22 by Taylor swift whenever I play it. Only joking. Corpse is coming over right after he ends stream so we can watch some new girl and cuddle for a bit. We'll be spending all day together playing board games and some video games.

The girls and I will be going to Vegas this weekend. We're staying in a suite and taking 3 cars, 2 will have 4 and 1 will have 3 of us. We haven't really chosen who's going in what car so we'll pick them out of a hat or something like that. It doesn't really matter who I'm in the car with I'll have fun either way I'm with all my friends.

It's now about 10am and I just got back from my run and now I'm hoping in my pre-stream shower. We're starting the game at about 6pm and ending it at about 12:30am. I play some music a bit loud and I sing along trying not to dance too much. After cleansing myself and washing my hair I hop out and put some leave in conditioner through my long wavy hair.

Poki and Rae pop their head in while I'm putting on sunscreen and primer. "Hey ready for tonight?" Rae asks. I nod "yeah, I'm just going to do some natural makeup, what's up?" I ask. "The girls want to take you to brunch since you'll be busy tomorrow with corpse" poki answers. I smile "really?" I ask. They nod "we're leaving in an hour so get ready, oh and I'm the DD so go wild with mimosas" Rae says. I laugh a bit "ok ok I'm going to get ready" I smile happily.

While I'm doing my makeup my phone starts ringing. Ooh my mom.

Mom: hey sweetie how's my girl?

We call every couple days, I told her about corpse and I leaving out his name and anything about him when we told the group. She was glad I found someone that wasn't my ex but she wants to know more.

Amelia: hey mama I'm good, my friends are taking me for brunch since I'm hanging with C a majority of tomorrow

Mom: awe that's sweet of them, are you celebrating any other way?

Amelia: yes! The girls are taking me to Vegas for the weekend since we can just drive

Mom: oh that's awesome! Have you talked to your father or grandparents at all?

Amelia: no I haven't, is grandpa ok?

Mom: yes he's fine as far as I know

Amelia: okay, well I've gotta blow dry my hair now so I should go

We hang up and I blow dry my hair fairly quickly before curling it a bit. "We're leaving in 15!" Rae shouts. I sigh hurrying up putting on my jeans, fishnets underneath, a black crop top and grabbing my leather jacket and doc martins on the way out of my room.

I get down there and Rae, poki, Janet, Celine, Leslie and Brooke are waiting for me. "Wow corpse has really rubbed off on you" Leslie comments. I roll my eyes "I dressed like this before we started dating" I reply. They all nod and pull me outside once my docs are on. I look up after adjusting my jacket a bit "oh my goodness" I say.

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