421 11 5

odessa zara poveda

today in san francisco was the day of the dead. master lin sent us to get marcus arguello, the boy that did the boys home massacre. me and billy walked the side walk waiting for the sign if anyone saw him. "what is the day of the dead in spanish" billy asked. i squinted my eyes and rubbed my forehead. "didnt me and maria tell you this already" i said. billy stopped and looked at me like he was waiting for a answer. i pursed my lips. "el dia de los muertos". out of nowhere a big explosion happened in the middle of a crowd that walked the parade. billy took my hand and began running behind a boy that seemed to be running from the police. "run faster" billy screamed. "im trying you dickhead". 

when we pulled up saya already took down the whole squad of police officers. "took you long enough" said saya. i put my hand of my chest trying to steady my breathing. "im sorry did you run almost 5 levels to get here? no right you have a motorcycle" saya rolled her eyes. willie came from behind us putting a bag over marcus head. "is the bag necessary" asked billy. willie shrugged picking up marcus and throwing him in his car.

"this mother fucker is heavy" willie groaned. "you didn't have to put a bag over his head so you just put in more work for yourself" i remarked. willie walked up to marcus looking him up and down. "look like no psychopath to me" he said. "don't judge a book by its cover" informed saya. "but you can judge by its smell" billy laughed nudging my shoulder. my lips formed a small grin. i walked up taking the bag from his head. i let out a small gasp as i got a good look at him. "he's cute" i whispered. "yea, totally 'hobo fancy' cover boy material" mocked billy. i glared at him punching his gut. he hugged his stomach as he hunched over. "don't mock the boys odi likes billy or next she will kill you" laughed maria. "what you say, mad dog? you the psycho that did the boys home massacre?" asked willie. marcus let out a laugh glaring at him. "tough barking at a dude tied to a chair". "untie this punk-as-bitch" willie hissed. i shook my head. "you shouldn't get a attitude with people you don't know" i said. he turned to me giving me the same glare he gave willie. "who even are you" he asked. i bit the inside of my lip shrugging. "on second thought untie him". billy tossed the knife up in the air as he walked up to marcus. "all right, but my money is on hepatitis harry". once billy was close enough master lin walked in. "forgive my students they forget that viciousness serves only to make them look weak" master lin glared at all of us as we looked down ashamed. "billy, if you'd be so kind. are you satisfied with your life" marcus rubbed his wrist as billy untied him. marcus let out a stiff laugh. "me? yeah. i eat trash and i sleep in piss. everything according to plan" he said sarcastically. saya started walking up to marcus but willie gripped her waist with his hand. "speak to master lin with respect" hissed saya. marcus leaned forward. "master lin can eat my shit" he responded. "do you really want someone with this sort of attitude in the school master lin". i let out a loud cry as master lin slammed his walking stick against my knee. "who even are you people?" marcus asked. "whats important is we know who you are, marcus, and we know what you have done. you're a killer. few value its particular proficiency, but i do. what if i told you theres a home for people like you? a school where you'd be surrounded by your peers" marcus looked around looking maria up and down. "only what? i dress up like a viking so you can take tasteful pictures?" marias mouth fell open. "did he just-". "yup" i interrupted. "im offering you a chance to harness that fire inside of you, to master the deadly arts" marcus let out a sneer. "deadly arts, yeah, thats, uh.. that sounds great, you know, this all seems really sane and normal, and yall seem like a fun bunch, but, uh, whatever this is". after that marcus left. "that sun of a bitch took my wallet" willie jeered. "odessa go after him tell him your life story. you had the same problem he has right now" said master lin. "yes sir".

after hours of walking around i found him sleeping on a bench. as i walked up to him i looked at the trash can besides him. i pursed my lips as i picked up the trash can dropping it. "what the hell" he said in a tired voice. i gave him a half smile as i pushed his legs off the bench sitting down. "your the girl that was in that room too" he pointed out. i nodded. we sat there in silence. should i tell him my story? maybe that will help him go back, right?. i let out a deep sigh slapping my face with my hands. "when i was 13 my parents were drug addicts. loved drugs would do anything to get them" i paused  to see if he was paying attention. he had his elbows on his knees looking straight at me. "my dad waisted all of our money on drugs. i guess losing all of our money wasn't a wake up call for him. he joined a street gang. he stole from them. mainly money or drugs. the gang realized that they were missing thousands maybe millions of money. the first person they went to was my dad. they were going to kill him, all of us. they came to our house everyday and shot it up. until one day it just stopped mom told me that my dad and the gang leader made a deal. i had a sister. how i loved her. the day after the drive bys had stopped. my dad came in said that my sister had to get her shots for something. it was weird because everytime we got shots we got them together. my dad came back without my sister told me on the way back she was crying that she wanted to stay with our grandma. that's where i began to be suspicious. our grama had died the year before. the day after the gang leader came to our house. they told me to go to my room. i didnt i stood by the stairs. i heard as my dad asked if my sister was enough to not pay back. if she was enough pleasure" my voice cracked as tears fogged up my vision. marcus reached for my hand intertwining our fingers. his thumb softly caressing the skin on the back of my hand. "i just heard how they talked about her like she was just a object. she was just 10. after he left i confronted my parents about it. can you believe they told me i should be grateful that they gave her up and not me. i stormed off getting a knife from the kitchen. i slit their throats open, but that wasn't enough i stabbed them i don't even remember how many times i did. i was going to leave but i wanted my sister back so i waited for the gang leader to come . my parents body decaying on the floor for almost a month until he finally came back. how can a gang leader be so weak. he was begging for his life while i had a knife against his neck. when he told me she was dead i slit his throat open too. did the same thing i did to my parents, but for him i remember 67 times that i stabbed him. ever since then i've had a gang on my ass plus the police for the murders. our stories are different, marcus, but i know how it is to hide and sneak around. how it feels to eat from the trash and sleep on the hard floor. how it feels to be alone" i turned to him putting my hand softly on his cheek leaning in. "you don't have to be alone" i whispered. he softly put his hand behind my neck pushing our lips together. our lips moved in sync as my tears from before fell from my eyes. we pulled away slightly gasping for air. he put his head in the crook of my neck rubbing his forehead softly on my shoulder. 

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