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odessa zara poveda

"loio guns were used by the jungle people of nicaragua for thousands of years till the soviets gave them janky kalashnikovs. to use one, you must be centered with total focus. well, let's see what you've got". i put the loio gun up to my mouth focusing on the middle of the manikin's head. i gave myself a grin after i blew out and hit the exact middle of its forehead. i went to the back of the line. a pair of hands squeezed my sides. i turned around and there was marcus standing with a big smile looking down at me. "hello" he said. i whispered a small hello back before quickly getting on my tippy toes and settling a small kiss on his nose.

me and marcus sat with some other boy named james. which i was told that he put a rat trap in billy's locker. "what you're cooking today is a dastardly syrup i call mellow yellow one drop and you've overcome with primal hallucinations and terrible anguish." said mr. denke. "sounds a lot like a night with petra. isn't that right, vik?" juan jeered. wait petra and viktor hooked up? when did this happen. last time i checked petra absolutely despised vik. "did not know chicos lap dog was allowed to speak" viktor responded plainly. "rat trap, i get it" billy said from across the room. i was absolutely concerned when billy began to make noises like a rat. "let me get those jelly beans" marcus said as he reached over to james side. james covered his eyes after marcus 'accidentally' tipped over the beacon.  "the fire, it's, it's, it's inside of me! get away! get away!" screamed james. "karma, man. kar-ma" billy laughed. "the rest of you are free" said denke. 

i stood behind billy as they went down the lunch line. i wasn't hungry so i skipped on getting food. "with the russian tosser? i'd call you a sellout, but you bela lugosi goth turds stand for less than nothing to begin with." said lex. petra said yes to viktor after he asked her to the dance. which the dance is only for legacies so i feel kinda on edge for her going. "well, im not in your scene, so meeting your interpretation of what's okay and what's not. i don't care." petra said the last sentence mocking his accent. "next stop: j.p morgan, brunch, raise a couple of paper wite pups. 'brent, honey, im here!' " billy said mockingly. we walked towards the table sitting down. "you're gonna give me a lecture on punk cred?" petra asked marcus. "oh, not at all. hell, i'd give viktor a firm, hand job to get out of this jive-ass hazing" said marcus. i think we all would. hell, i'd get on my knees for shabnam to get into the legacies. "dude, you giving out hand jobs?" asked billy. lex shook his head leaning onto the table. "you might be quieter about it, marcus, but you're judging her too. dosen't your lady crush give weirdo james a hand job for drugs, also im very intuitive" said lex. my mouth fell open. how dare he compare my situation with petra's?. "you know what im going to stop giving him hand jobs. let's see how you get weed now" i jeered. billy's eyes went wide. "no im so so-" i interrupted lex. "no, no, fuck you". "says the guy who thinks 'jaws' is a comedy" said petra. "come on! nantucket twats getting chomped? that sharks a bloody hero" beamed lex. i looked around with furrowed eyebrows. everyone was laughing at us. also no one had food in their tables. "què hubo? què hubo?" chico said walking up towards the table. "how's lunch? special recipe today. rat. the other white meat." said chico with a smirk. i almost gagged when billy pulled out a large rat tail from his food. im so glad i decided not to eat today. 

my back was against the sink in the boys bathroom watching billy and lex throw up the rat meat. i know, i know, i shouldn't be in here but come on you think i would miss this. "you dandies need me to hold your hair?" asked marcus. i shook my head at him laughing. "how are you keeping that down?" asked billy while holding onto the toilet seat to hold himself up. "why are you keeping it…" lex didn't get to finish before he barfed again. "not my first rat stew" marcus said. i turned to him in disgust. "the boys home gave us nasty food" he mumbled. lex threw himself on the floor groaning, "oh, i feel its wee bones in my belly". now billy threw himself on the floor, "the horror, the horror" he cried out. lex jumped up like he just didn't vomit his soul out. "today we riot! no option but full-out class war!" he screamed. the rat must have made his mind fussy because what he's saying is just mildly stupid. "we'll storm the bastille and we'll release a loose stool on the stone. you in?" billy asked us. "no" me and marcus said in unison. "rain check on eating the rich. im gonna keep my head down and pick my battles" marcus continued. since when?. "dude, if we let them get away with this, next time, we’ll be eating, cat balls!" screamed billy. when marcus stayed quiet billy let out a sigh and jumped in front of lex. "soldier, are you prepared to serve your country?" asked billy. "this is war!" screamed lex. once lex and billy walked out i turned towards marcus swinging my arms around his neck. he put his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him. "since when do you keep your head down a pick your battles" i asked. marcus let out a sigh. "denke told me i should" he responded. i nodded my head. "well that's good you shouldn't battle everyones problems except your own" i said. he let out a small hum agreeing. he lowered his head so he can place a small kiss on my lips. 

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