Rescue plan

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*Zak POV* 

The clock struck midnight as I stood outside of UA, waiting for Vurb and a few others to arrive. Together, we were going to rescue Darryl, Vincent, Nick and Harvey. But first, there were a few things needed to be done. 

"Vurb should be here any minute now..." I thought as I checked my watch. 

Soon, Vurb arrived with less people than I thought. Those people included Clay, Gogy, Ant and Astelic. 

"I'm sorry, Zak. But this is all the people I can gather." Vurb said. 

"It's fine, I didn't expect that much people anyway." I sighed. 

"So, what's the plan?" Clay asked. 

"First, we're going to get one of the villains for the attack to tell us where the villain base is. Then, we'll sneakily head in and snatch Darryl and the others out." I explained. 

"You want to break a prisoner out!?" Astelic asked. 

"No, I am just asking him where their base is. After that, they can stay there for all I care." I said. 

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go." Clay said. 

However, before departing, we were stopped by someone. And that someone was none other than Wilbur. 

"Zak." Wilbur said. 

"Wilbur. Why are you here?" I asked. 

"Ever since we fought, I thought long and hard. And, I realised that it is wrong to go against the rules, but it is even worse to leave your friends in the dust. Although I hate to admit it, I was wrong." Wilbur said. 

"...I'm not completely in the right either. I guess maybe I could control my temper a little." I said reluctantly. 

The two if us conveniently made up. 

"Anyway, I heard your plan. I can assist you in gathering information." Wilbur said. 

"How so?" Ant asked. 

"My dad is the head police chief." Wilbur replied. 

"Perfect." I said. 

We eventually headed to the police department where Wilbur tried to convince his dad, Phil to let us visit a specific prisoner. Of course, he failed. 

"What now?" Wilbur asked. 

"Well... You could distract your dad while some of us pull a sneaky." I suggested. 

"Excellent, perfect plan." Wilbur said before striking up a conversation with Philza. 

While he was doing that, Clay, Ant, Astelic and I snuck past the counter and headed inside the prison ward. There, we searched for the villains that showed up during training camp. 

"Found one!" Ant said.

"Not him, he's too mentally wild." I said. 

"What about this guy?" Astelic asked. 

"No, not him. He's too mentally broken." I replied. 

"What? How?" Astelic asked. 

"Technoblade." I replied. 


"This guy?" Clay asked as he pointed towards a man who looked mentally sane. 

"Perfect." I said. 

We 'interviewed' the guy and got the location of where their secret base were. Turns out their secret base was in an alleyway in Kamino City. 

"Hey, I remember that alleyway! I got beaten up there!" Clay said. 

"Oof, but great! That means you know where that is!" I said. 

Soon, we snuck out of the prison ward and back to the counter, where Wilbur was. As soon as he noticed us, he ended the conversation and headed over. 

"We got the location." I said. 

"Excellent. Where we headed?" Wilbur asked. 

"Kamino City." 

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