Class 1A falls apart (Dadza also makes an appearance)

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*Third Person POV*

Just minutes after the abduction of Vincent, Harvey, Nick and Darryl, Phil and his team of special police forces arrived onto the scene along with a few medics who treated everyone who was injured during the attack.

Over in the distance, Technoblade sat alone. He felt rage, denial, guilt and most importantly, disappointment. All these feelings were directed to himself as Technoblade thought that he had failed as a teacher.

That's when Phil came over and placed his arm onto Technoblade's shoulder. 

"You alright, son?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. I just let 4 of my students get abducted right in front of me. Of course I'd be fine." Technoblade replied sarcastically.

"Geez, spare me the sarcasm." Phil chuckled.

"I.. I'm sorry, I'm just really disappointed in myself... That's all." Technoblade sighed.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Nobody would've seen it coming." Phil reassured.

"That's the thing, Phil. I could have seen it coming! My quirk isn't called 'Superhuman' for nothing, is it!?" Technoblade asked. 

Upon hearing this, Phil sighed and sat next to Technoblade. 

"I remember the time when I first met you. You were only 2 years old and there you were, sleeping in a cardboard box in the middle of nowhere. I took you in and raised you like my own. And now look at you, you're a successful hero and teacher in their 20s." Phil said. 

"That's because you were an excellent father to me, Phil." Technoblade said. 

"No it's not, that was your own effort. All I did was shelter you. It's fine to make mistakes every now and then, it's what makes you human... And most importantly, my son." Phil said. 

Hearing this, Technoblade shedded a tear. This surprised Phil as from all his years of raising Technoblade, he has never seen him cry once. 

"It's alright, let it out." Phil said as he comforted Technoblade. 

"Wilbur and Tommy are lucky to have a great father." Technoblade said. 

"They're even luckier to have a greater brother." Phil continued. 

"But I think we made a few errors when we were raising Tommy." Technoblade said. 

"No objections there." Phil replied. 

Eventually, Phil's special police force managed to arrest a handful of villains that were either left behind by Schlatt and Minx or was unconscious when found. Meanwhile, Class 1A all gathered around together. Most of them were scared and uneasy while one secretly plotted revenge. 

"Guys, hear me out." Zak said as he caught everyone's attention. 

"What is it?" Clay asked.  

"I'm gonna rescue Darryl and the others." Zak announced. 

"Are you insane, Zak!? We barely managed to survive an attack from Schlatt earlier and now you wanna go back? Do you know how crazy you sound right now?" Wilbur scolded. 

"The main point is we survived, Wilbur. Twice, in fact. What makes you think I can't pull it off?" Zak argued. 

"You, Rose, George and Vurb were literally sitting in a classroom with Technoblade as your bodyguard while the rest of us were randomly teleported and had to fight for our lives again!" Wilbur yelled. 

"Well we came across and defeated a villain too! Rose, George, Vurb, back me up here!" Zak yelled. 

"I'm sorry, Zak. But I have to agree with Wilbur on this one. We didn't directly fight the villain, he was defeated by Technoblade. So going would be a terrible idea as we have little to no experience fighting villains, let alone rescuing someone!" George said. 

"Exactly!" Wilbur added. 

"You don't understand! Darryl shouldn't have been abducted, it should've been me! And I'm 100% certain that if I was captured instead, he'd do the exact same thing as me right now." Zak said. 

"Zak, you're thinking a little reckless right now. Calm down, we can talk about this normally." Wilbur sighed. 

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU!" Zak yelled angrily as he punched Wilbur in the face, surprising everyone. 

"Whoa whoa, Zak! Calm down!" Gogy yelled as he and Tubbo tried holding Zak back, but Zak proved to be too strong for them to handle as he activated his quirk and charged towards Wilbur. 

In self defence, Wilbur blasted a sound wave towards Zak, sending him flying. However, Zak didn't stay down for long as he got up and knocked Wilbur down to the floor. 

"ZAK! STOP! WE CAN'T GET INVOLVED, WE HAVE TO LEAVE IT TO THE PROFESSIONALS!" Wilbur yelled as he did his best to defend himself from Zak's punches. 


That was the last straw for Wilbur. 

In anger, Wilbur went all out and sent the most powerful shockwave he could right in front of Zak's face. To defend himself, Zak turned his entire body into pure, hard diamond. It wasn't enough as subtle parts of Zak's diamond skin started cracking. 

"ENOUGH!" Clay yelled before activating 'Clutch' and punching the ground underneath Zak and Wilbur, causing a large crater which the two boys fell into. The others rushed into the crater and held onto both Zak and Wilbur in case any of them got up and tried to attack the other. 

"Fighting amongst each other won't get us anywhere! Would Darryl, Harvey, Vincent and Nick want this for us?" Clay asked. 

Hearing this, Zak and Wilbur were silent. But deep down they knew Clay was right. 

Eventually, the two boys decided to stop fighting. However, their relationship was strained badly for the time being. 

"I still haven't given up on my objective. Spread this information to anyone who isn't super close to Wilbur. Tell them to meet me at the entrance of UA at 2am if they want to save Darryl, Vincent, Harvey and Nick." Zak whispered to Vurb as Vurb nodded in response. 

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