Oh god, I thought to myself again. What if they stop treating me like that? People always say that they treat me differently, is that only because they have feelings for me? Is that going to stop? Was it all fake?

Tears streamed down my face as my walk back to the main entrance of the castle turned into a run. I was so confused, and so scared of losing my best friends.

If I had known about their feelings, I wouldn't have acted the way that I did with them. I realised that I had probably led them on by accident by mistaking their real flirting as jokes and returning the same energy.

This is all my fault. I'm so stupid. This is all my fault.

I approached the entrance and tried to take a deep breath to halt the sobs from escaping my body. I was scared to lose Fred and George and I felt horrible for hurting them. I just overall felt drained and confused, and I just wanted to get back to my room and go to sleep, hoping that I would wake up and that this would all be a dream.

I managed to take a deep breath, rub my face of any tears and hope that I looked presentable enough to keep my head down and make it back to my room without any interactions.

Somehow, I made it up to my room without any issues. Curfew was approaching and this was also valuable studying time, so not that many students were out in the hall. When I reached my door, I took an extra deep and shaky breath and made myself put on my best 'I didn't just get confessed to by two of my best friends and I'm not terrified that I'm going to lose them' smile for practice. I took one more breath and opened the door.

"How was the walk?" Hermione asked in the middle of writing something down.

"Good, i'm going to take a shower," I said in a surprisingly steady and casual voice.

They both nodded and I made it into the bathroom, releasing another shaky breath once the door shut behind me.

I turned on the shower and stripped off my clothes, stepping into the stream of water once I adjusted it to the right temperature.

I let the water run through my hair, thoroughly soaking it, before wiping my face of water and letting it run down my back.

A million questions ran through my mind, I couldn't even pick out one to think about.

Do I like them back?

What does this mean?

How long has it been like this?

Can I tell Hermione and Ginny?

That one I knew was probably a no. They were both Ginny's brothers and I didn't know if they wanted people knowing. I had done enough hurt to them tonight, I could at least keep this information in and not create any more awkwardness for them with their other friends.

I had let a few more tears stream down my face and join the water on the floor before I forced myself to stop crying. I was not the one who was supposed to be crying. I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes, trying to wrap my mind around what this all meant.

I hoped that we could act somewhat normal around each other the next day, but I also knew that I probably needed to talk to them. There was no way that I was going to leave them with my stupid 'i'm sorry I can't'. I knew that it was an idiodic response and I wanted to hit myself for it, but I was overwhelmed and confused at the moment.

I needed to actually think about what I wanted to say to them, and I needed to pray to Merlin that they would still stay my friends. I knew that it was selfish to hope that they would continue to be friends with me after I shut them down, but I couldn't lose them. I couldn't.

I just hoped that I wouldn't.

I shut off the water, not having actually washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner because I didn't have the effort to. I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out of the room and into the closet.

I threw on a pair of underwear and a t-shirt and left the room, immediately jumping into my bed.

"Are you going to sleep?" Ginny asked.

"Mmm," I groaned into the pillow.

Ginny took the little desk lamp that lit up the room and angled it so that it was facing the opposite wall of me, leaving my side of the room darker.

I had wanted to think some more about what I needed to do about the twins, but once I was engulfed in my comforter and my head hit the pillow, I immediately began to fall into a deep sleep.

My mind had been racing for the last half hour, and now it was completely drained of any thoughts. I would just have to hope that I could fix this the next day.

A/N you guys please don't be mad I promise that it will get better soon <3

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now