"Miss. Davis, care to put your phone away so that we may begin class?" Mr. Ellison's deep voice scolded.

"Sorry Mr. Ellison." Willow mumbled as she slipped phone back into her pocket, earning some teasing from Mike Newton.

"Fuck you." Willow mouthed as she discreetly flipped him the bird. Mike acted like the gesture had physically hurt but smirked with teasing in his eyes.

"Hey, if that's what you want." Mike whispered, and like many times before, with their many years of teasing, Willow rolled her eyes.

"I hate you." She muttered with a smile.

"Liar." Mike stuck his tongue out but Willow's attention was drawn to the front of the class.

Jasper Hale was speaking with Mr. Ellison. He looked just as beautiful as he had earlier and Willow found herself incapable to breath properly. He had one hand in his pocket while the other gripped his backpack on his shoulder.

Suddenly, panic spread through her and her eyes searched the entire classroom for another empty seat.

The only one was next to her.

The uneasiness in her stomach returned and a part of her wanted to throw up. How was she expected to sit next to him and think straight when he was across the room from her and she couldn't breath.

Willow started gnawing on her bottom lip, her fingers fiddling with her locket as she watched Mr. Ellison pointed back towards her. Jasper turned on the heel of his combat boot  and when his gold eyes locked on her, a smirk spread across his lip. Willow would have swore on a bible in that moment that her heart skipped into a new rhythm again.

Maya twisted in her seat and gave the red head two thumbs up. Marshall twisted his head and winked while mouthing "lucky". All while Willow was struggling to sit still in her chair as the nervous mixed with excitement spread through her bones.

She struggled at trying not to stare but the way his hair fell on his cheeks made him look more beautiful than it should have. The smirk stayed on his face, even as he sat himself down next to her.

"Willow Davis. Nice to meet you." Willow extended her hand, somehow finding the courage to face him with a smile. He looked down at her hand and his jaw seemed to twitch and his brow was raised slightly.

"You don't have to be so shy. I don't bite." His eyes snapped back up to hers and his smirk seemed to grow.

"I can't promise the same." His voice deep and husky, dripping with a southern accent. "Jasper Hale."

Slowly he placed his hand in hers and wrapped as his fingers moved to wrap around her hand the tips skimmed her wrist. His hand was just as cold as Emmetts has been but Willow could have sworn that his touch sent shocks through her like lightning.

"I know." Willow spilled the words out so quickly that she flushed in embarrassment. "I- I mean..meant... what I was trying... I just meant that.. just ignore that." Willow stuttered as her face burned as the embarrassment deepened. She internally debated throwing herself into the waters of La Push Beach.

"It's nice to meet you Willow." Jasper squeezed her hand just slightly and his smirk turned into a smile. The sight was enough for Willow's embarrassment to disappear  and an overwhelming feeling of calm spread through her. Reluctantly, she let go of his hand as Mr. Ellison began talking.

Mr. Ellison explained that they could leave their bags behind, bringing something to take notes with if they need it. Like the rest of the year had been the person at the table with them would be their partner.

Willow didn't know whether to be excited or dreadful of the fact that the new hot guy was going to be a partner. Willow decided to walk beside Jasper as the class shuffled through the hallway and out to the sidewalks.

"How's your first day?" Willow crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the cold wind that cut through her sweater.

"Not what I expected." Jasper kept his eyes facing forward but left hand ran through his blonde hair. The gesture did two things.

One, draw attention to the silver ring on his middle finger. Two, it somehow made him look even more beautiful.

Which, Willow thought, should be illegal.

"In a good way or a bad way?" Willow looked away from him to avoid running into someone as they approached the shop classroom.  

"I haven't decided." Just like the rest of his answers, it was short with no real answer.
Willow scoffed, slightly annoyed at him for being short with her. Until she felt slightly guilty for that thought because he may simply be shy. "Are you cold?

"What?" Willow lifted her eyes back towards him, snapped out of her thoughts. She stopped walking, slightly taken aback, causing others in the class to walk around her.

"You shivered. Are you cold?" He stopped in front of her and turned to face her, his gold eyes examining her face. She realized how tall he actually was as she had to cock her head back to see his face. Even in her heels.

"I-I'm..fine." Willow found herself stuttering again, and the heat of embarrassment flushed her cheeks again. Jasper quietly snorted a laugh and shrugged his leather jacket off.

Willow's eyes widened from the shock of his gesture and the sight of him in his black sweater. He was lean but he was not without some defined muscles, especially across his chest.

"Here." Jasper held the jacket in front of her but Willow felt like her brain had stopped working.

After a moment of her not moving Jasper rolled his and shifted to hold the jacket up. He gestured his head for her to slip her arms in the jacket. Willow sighed and shrugged before she slipped her arms into his oversized jacket. It smelled of leather, amber, and a hint of cinnamon and somehow with what little she knew of him, the smells just fit his personality.

"Thank you." Willow whispered as she pulled her hair out from under the fabric. "You didn't have to do that." Jasper simply shrugged and turned back around to follow the rest of the class.

He didn't speak the entire time they were in the shop. He simply stood beside her with his arms behind his back with posture as straight as a bored. Willow was giddy the entire time, selfishly enjoying the gesture.

Noting that Noah had never done that for her, always scolding her for not dressing herself properly. She scolded herself immediately when then thought crossed her mind. She was crossing a line by comparing the new kid to her boyfriend.

Maya and Marshall was blowing up the group chat with the new information while Mr. Ellison demonstrated on a truck  how to change oil. Willow responded to every message with the emoji of the middle finger. Thankful that she didn't have to pay attention to the lesson thanks to Charlie already teaching her.

"Thank you for letting me borrow your jacket." Willow shrugged the jacket off when they were back in the classroom. She was slightly ashamed to admit that she felt disappointed about having to give it back.

"It was no problem." Jasper gently grabbed the fabric from her hands, hid fingers carefully skimming the back of her hand.

"Do you know how to change oil?" Willow rambled the words out as she watched him effortlessly slip his coat back on. He smirked as he nodded his head, causing  some of his wavy blonde hair to fall in his face. "Me too." Willow almost sounded breathless as she pulled her eyes away from him to grab her bag.

"See you tomorrow Willow." Jasper's accent mixed with the words he said made her hazel move back to his face.

His smirk was replaced by a soft smile, no teeth showing, just his lips curved up. Willow couldn't explain it, but it somehow made his intensity levels drop just slightly.

"Goodbye Jasper." Willow realised when she had finally broken out of her trance to speak, he was already too far away for him to hear. However, he stopped just at the doorway and turned back towards with the same smile on his face.

Devils in the Details •Jasper Hale• 1Where stories live. Discover now