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Jasper hated hospitals. Ever since their creation he hated them. They were nothing but a temptation with their endless blood supply and dying victims. For Jasper the worst part of hospitals was the sorrow that radiated from deep within the very walls of the building. The beeping of the machine connected to Willow startled Jasper out of his thoughts. Shortly after the door quietly opened with Carlise in his white coat stepping inside.

"How's Marshall?" Maggie's tired voice sounded from the couch, her hand rubbing her eyes.

"He's going to be okay. His wounds are superficial. Exhaustion is what took him out." Carlisle explained.

"That means he's going to be just fine." Iris followed in behind Carlisle.  "Maggie take Maya to Marshall's room. I think it would be good for both of you."

"Mom.."Maggie's reluctance to leave her best friend was noble to Jasper.

"Margaret." Aurora paused, lighting the candles to look at her daughter. "Please don't make her ask for a second time."

"Fine." Maggie grumbled, roughly shoving her sister awake. Jasper turned his eyes back towards Willow not registering the sisters leave until the door slammed.

"Teenagers." Iris muttered under her breath.

"I understand completely." Caslisle stated with his hand landing on Jasper's shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze like a father would do.

"Is she okay?"Jasper sounded like he was twelve again and his sister was dying from consumption.

"She has some broken ribs, a cracked jaw and some internal bruising." Carlisle picked up her chart flipping back through all of the pages. "Aurora is going to take over the healing."

" Is she going to be okay?" Jasper felt like a twelve year old again, like every adult in the room ignored his existence while someone he loved died.

"I'm going to heal of the internal injuries, plus some of her sting from other injuries. I can't take the bruising away or all of the pain from her neck, it would raise suspicion." Aurora explained while she set crystals around Willow on the bed.

"When will she wake up?" Jasper hated the fear in his voice, hated the child like fear in him.

Looking at her, frail, broken, and bruised tore him up inside him. He knew she was alive. He could hear her heart beating and her blood pumping. It was the visual of seeing her as broken as she is now but with her heart stopped. He couldn't imagine her dead. He hoped that he'd never have to see it.

"Maybe by morning. It's hard to tell with these things." Iris was helping Aurora with the last little bit of her set up.

Jasper had never seen a witch in action, he'd heard stories while he was Maria. They could create wonders the eyes couldn't fathom, miracles that rivaled the bibles telling, and the destruction for civilizations. Despite his worry he trusted Willow in Aurora and Iris's hands.

Devils in the Details •Jasper Hale• 1Where stories live. Discover now