Georgia and the Big 6 Pt. 2

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A man sat silently as he watched the security footage, tapping his fingers against the desk lightly. The man he hired was doing well, and if he'd continue with the script- there it was. He smirked, leaning in closely to watch the figures huddle in, as his hired ran off, holding his nose.

He leaned back in his chair, watching proudly as his states surrounded Geo, keeping him in the middle as they made their way back to the Statehouse.

He knew the states would be livid if they found out he and Geo planned this little meet up, but, for now, it seemed like things were fine.

DC shut his laptop, and looked up to face Geo, grinning lightly, "Think they'll get along now?"

Geo grinned, leaning back in his chair, blanket wrapped comfortingly around him. "Nah, but ya can at least hold this over their heads for a while."

DC merely rolled his eyes, the last of his anger fading, "Wouldn't want it any other way."

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