It's name is Bender.

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I got this idea when my mom got a Roomba as a christmas gift from a friend, I remembered a video a while back of one hitting a wall and cursing. I knew immediately what I had to do.

Warning: Video has colorful language!


As soon as Florida saw the mini vacuum, he immediately knew what he had to do. Besides, it's better to ask for forgiveness than ask permission. Grinning softly to himself, he got to work.


"Okay, New York, how are you on the virus front?" DC lifted a leg as the new whitehouse roomba vacuumed up under his feet.


"FUCK!" Another voice shouted, similar to New York's. 

The table went completely silent as they all stared at the roomba with open mouths, Florida grinning madly.

"Did that roomba just-" 

"FACK!" It cried again, slamming into the wall in Mass's voice. 

"What in tarnation!?" It cried once more in Texas's voice, slamming into a chair leg. 

They all blinked stupidly, as DC turned to face Florida. "Did this happen to have anything to do with you?" 

"Noooo, why would you say such a thing?"

"What the FRICK!" It shouted in Utah's voice. Florida merely grinned. 

One-Shots of the states.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora