Texas leaving?

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Id like to thank KnightSaysNi and Alice_Phantom for the writing and idea of the second half of the chapter.

This is inspired by very real events happening right now. California and Texas are both thinking about secedeing. Do I think it'll happen? No. But this was too much of an opportunity to pass up.


"Texas wants to WHAT?" DCs angry shout shook the walls of the room.

Texas paused at the entry way to the meeting room, his eyes wide. Shit. DC had already heard. He was hoping to give the news in a kind way, with allowing Austin to talk to him about it.

Alaskas angry blue eyes met his, and Texas flinched. "You better have a fucking damn good explanation." DC seethed, as the states all paused at the odd reaction. The state never cursed, to hear him say those words now, meant he was livid.

Texas opened his mouth to speak, but found he couldn't. Cali thankfully stepped beside him with his calm dark brown eyes, "California wants to leave too, at least, they're talking about it." He spoke hesitantly, scratching the back of his head.

Surprised eyes face California, as DC leant back in his chair, and closed his eyes, hair falling into his face, as counted under his breath. The two states, side by side for the first time, and its to do something Alaska would never even dream of doing.

It was quiet for a while, before DC stood, "Meeting dismissed." He announced, void of any emotion.

Texas and California quickly made their way out of the area, sticking together, as the states glared at them in hatred when they walked by.

"I don't want to." Texas whispered, looking down at his hands.

Cali nodded, leaning his head against the red states shoulder, eyes closing. "I know."

They sat in silence, their friends not once coming to check on them, as they fell asleep.


A few months later, they did secede.

It happened and now they were on their own, of course they could still meet up and hang out but they wouldn’t have the time to do that until everything was established. The first few months were busy, stressful, and lonely.

California wasn’t scared. He had a plan, he knew what would happen if he left, and if things didn’t go his way he’d be fine with it. He used to being on his own anyway, other states didn’t like him much and so he was usually excluded.

Texas however, wasn’t prepared. He had friends in the other states, he had sport rivalries, he was almost always with someone, doing something, planning to do something- and now he was alone.

He got by, focusing on work. It wasn’t as hard as it could’ve been, they had both previously been independent before and already had a rough idea of how to get around.

When the seceded, America’s economy took a big hit. California’s economy alone was the 6th in the world when he was just a state and loosing that was detrimental.

So, DC shaped up. They got better in almost every way that Texas’ people specifically didnt want.

Cali got what he wanted and when he was ready to be a state again he was welcomed with open arms. He was still resented, but DC needed him there and the union had finally started treating people like people so he was fine with being there. Being an independent republic was exhausting anyway.

Texas wanted to go back too.
Given, he never really wanted to leave but still.

It took over a year but enough of his population realized this was dumb and he finally had the vote in his favor.

He finally had the okay to go back.
To go home.

Of course it could never be that simple, his excitement couldn’t be allowed to last more than a few days.
They already had California back. They already had everything they were missing back.

His attempt to rejoin was rejected.

America, the country that could be defined by the mere phrase “manifest destiny,” the country that was always trying for more, always trying to gain more land, had refused him.

And if that wasn’t the biggest hit his ego’s ever had to take...

He tried again, tried to negotiate with them.

He took the offer down from statehood, at this point he’d take being a territory, a common wealth, anything.

He just wanted to go home, to his friends, if he even still had any of those.

After another few years of trying he accepted it.

As much as he didn’t want to be alone, as he wanted to go back to messing around with Florida and Louisiana, as he wanted to continue competing with Oklahoma, go back to his life?

He couldn’t. What’s done was done.

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