Explaining to Clark

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I sat on the kitchen chair wrapped in a blanket. Mrs. Kent had a cup of tea in front of me with chocolate chip cookie beside it.
"Kendra, I need to know. What are you?" Clark asked desperately
"I'm a human with some extra perks. I control plant life, earth, and technology at the moment." Kendra said
She waved her hand over a vase of sunflowers on the table and they seemed to almost burst with new life.
"Is that why your farm didn't take long to grow and flourish?" Mrs. Kent asked
"Yea. I kinda gave it an energy boost. Along with technological powers I was able to get our farm operational within a few weeks." I said
"But you said you were doing the accounting for your mom made you tired." Clark said confused
"When I use my powers too much I get tired. Clark, all I've ever wanted was to be normal. I wanted the whole farm girl experience. I wanted to hang out with Chloe and talk about the latest gossip or Pete with his football or even try and help you get on the football team. In order to have that I had to basically bury my powers. Today was like opening a flood gate." I said sadly
"The riverbed looked like someone grew a garden on it." Mr. Kent said
"I try to control it. I try to be normal but when it comes to situations like today, I fail miserably. Luckily Lex Luthor was unconscious or I would be a teat experiment right now." I said miserably
I could feel Clark looking at me before suddenly I was getting a hug from Mrs. Kent.
"We understand trying to be normal. Clark has been doing the same for a long time." Mrs. Kent said
"Clark could hide his though. He was always freakishly strong. If he can keep a lid on it, he'll be fine. Me, on the other hand, I have to be careful because my emotions affect my powers. One time mom and I argued and the plants in my room seemed to go wild and attack mom until I got my anger under control." I said
"That summer you went to camp in Metropolis." Clark said quietly
I nodded and looked down into my tea.
"I can fake it with the best of them, Clark. I can smile, laugh, and look happy all day long but I have to keep a lid on 24/7 no matter the occasion. Mom says I should practice but I don't want to practice. I want to be normal. Who would want to hang out with a freak?" I said solemnly
"Your not a freak, young lady. You're just different. Your powers are a gift just like Clark's are. How about you come over in the afternoons with Clark and practice. Clark wants to join the football team but unless he can prove to me he can handle it I won't sign the forms." Mr. Kent said making Clark snap his head towards him
I could tell Mr. Kent wanted Clark to be happy and enjoy high school but he also worried. Clark was a good guy but those guys on the team were not. They were bullies. Clark turned to me and he looked like a hopeful puppy. I groaned and tipped my head back.
"Fine but you're going to be my training dummy, Clark." I said with a smile smile
Before I took my next breathe, Clark had me in the air, spinning around.
"Yes! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Clark said grinning widely
I laughed as Clark put me down. I was dizzy. I could hear Mr and Mrs. Kent laughing behind us. That was also how we spent the next week. Everyday after school we would practice. Clark would practice his throwing. He would try and run at a somewhat normal speed. We got it to the point where he had a wicked arm and was fast but not freakishly so. On many occasions we purposely made sure the coach caught sight of Clark practicing for try outs. Clark was excited when Mr. Kent signed the forms. I got the Willie's about the coach though. He seemed to be losing his mind slowly. The coach did seem to like me well enough. I would often show him math equations that could help his team win.
"Look kid the school and I have an understanding with these boys." The coach said
"That doesn't stop the gossip of cheating nor does it help these boys into a good school. We both know that half these boys won't make it into the big leagues so they need something to fall back on. Besides you're looking to retire soon why go out on a low note. You can go out as the coach who taught the boys that they can play well as well hard on and off the field. You would be seen as caring about the players just as much as winning the game and the players would be seen as hardworking and dedicated. All I'm asking for is an hour after practice as a cool down period before leaving to go home, you let me put them through a tutoring session. They get higher grades to get better chances with colleges and you get some good publicity." I coaxed
"And what do you get out of it? I highly doubt you're doing this for nothing." The coach sneered
"Clark is like my brother. I can easily make sure he will continue to well in school but I don't want his teammates reputation dragging him down." I said honestly
The coach stared at me hard for a few moments. Then he pulled out a checkbook. He wrote out a check for $200.
"You will be here for every practice. You will tutor them. Anything you see you will keep your mouth shut. You got your motives and now hush money. Beat it." The coach said
Good enough for me I left. I had a tape recorder on the entire time as well as a nanny cam button. I wouldn't let anything happen to Clark and I.
Flashback end

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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