"Bye dear!"

"She's already leaving?" Charlie's face fell a bit.

"Nah she's coming back. Went to go get some clothes so she isn't sleeping in your T-shirt's any more."

"Do you know why she is staying?" Part of him wanted a specific answer even if he didn't know what that answer was.

"No I'm not really sure. She might me staying for Ginny I know she's not staying for George."

"What did happen with her and George?"

"That's for her to tell who she feels. I wouldn't want to go blabbering that."

"How many days will she be staying?"

"I'm not really sure I thought maybe 4 days so she could hang out with the family."

"Oh...alright. I'm going to go shower and get ready for the day."

Charlie went and showered hoping that when he returned to the kitchen you would be back. However, when he entered the kitchen he did not see you or any trace of you stuff in the house.

He traveled upstairs to look for a clean shirt considering he didn't have one on at the moment.

"Y/n?" He asked as he entered the room to you looking for something.

You turned around to face him not expecting him to be shirtless in front of you. Your checks burned a bit of a pinkish color and you tried to mask whatever emotions you were feeling at the moment.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh sorry I was looking for my hair tie but I just found it."

"Oh that's alright."

"We'll see you in a bit Charlie."

"Where are you staying?" Charlie couldn't help but be curious.

"Oh bills room."

A part of him hoped that maybe you would be staying in his room again but he knew that would be too good to be true.

After about a half an hour Charlie went to check on you.

"Hey you alright."

"Oh yea I was just thinking."

"Penny for your thoughts?" He smiled sitting next to you.

"Just your siblings. They have such different style. Ginny has her style and so does bill. George's style."
You paused for a second after saying the name. "Was very colorful. Then you, you have a lot of dragons everywhere. Why is that?"

"Oh the dragons. I've always just liked them I guess. I work in Romania with them but I came to visit for a bit."

"That sounds very cool. How long are you staying?"

"I really don't know. I never really take days off so I've racked up quite a few over the years I guess I'll just go back when I feel like it or am forced to. So what do you do for a living?"

"Oh I'm not really sure yet. I got out of Hogwarts about 3 years ago so I'm a 21 year old wizard who's been juggling jobs. Nothing just seems right for me. That's how I met George I was trying out pranks. Although what he did was entirely messed up and we aren't ever going to work through it I am glad we met."

"Why's that? Why would you be glad someone caused you so much pain."

"I'm not sure. I guess then I wouldn't have met your family. I wouldn't be sitting here having this great conversation with you."

"Good to know I'm nice to talk to."

"Yea." You laughed.

The two of you went downstairs together and sat on the couch to hang out with some of his other family

"So Charlie how long do you think you will be staying?" His mom asked when she noticed he was in the living room.

He couldn't keep his eyes from traveling over to you when you weren't looking.

"I was thinking 4 days at the least."

"Funny that's how long y/n is staying." Ginny laughed suspiciously.

"Yea that's pretty funny." Charlie covered up.

He was in denial. He wouldn't usually stay this long but he had met a great girl he wanted to talk to some more. He figured maybe she would be great with the dragons as a coworker.

Unloveable (Charlie Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now