Stay a few days

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When Charlie had woken up in the morning he realized he was significantly closer to y/n. He wasn't quite touching you but he knew he had not been this close the night before. However when he realized it wasn't even 5 in the morning he fell back asleep. Charlie had a habit of getting up early to see the dragons but him knowing he was no where near Romania he fell asleep again.

You awoke as the bright sun shone through the curtains that were partly covering Charlie's windows. You didn't want to get up just yet so you turned to face Charlie as gently as possible as to not wake him.

You just kind of stared at him, he didn't really remind you of George in any way. He looked like his own person. He had freckles that littered his skin though and you couldn't help but smile at his sleeping image.

It was quite peaceful until one of his eyes dramatically popped open and you flinched backwards.

"Hello there y/n."

"Geez Charlie how long have you been awake."

"In real time not long, I'm staring time pretty long."

"I wasn't staring." You denied his accusation propping yourself up on your elbows.

"Ah that must be why I could feel your eyes staring holes into my body and you flinched when you realized I was awake."

"Whatever." You laughed it off and picked up your shoes and clothes from last night.

"Oh so now your running away with my shirt."

"Oh I didn't realize you wanted me to change right in front of you."

"Touché. Carry on with your original plan."

You walked off chuckling and shaking your head gently.

"Molly do you mind if I use your shower then head out?"

"No problem dear. Why don't your stay for a few days? Ginny likes having the company and I'd like to know where you slept last night."

"Oh I couldn't possibly impose on any of your plans."

"Really it's not a problem dear. I quite enjoy having you here and I'm pretty sure George won't come out of his room for at least a week if it makes you feel better."

"Alright well I'll have to head home and pack some clothes."

"Yes that's fine. Probably want to get out of Charlie's shirt." She smiled.

"Smooth." You joked.

"I try." Molly didn't usually seem this joking but you assumed there was a side to everyone not a lot of people knew about.

You walked over to the bathroom locking the door and undressing stepping into shower. Your fight with George had knocked a lot of your energy out of you and right now you just needed to let the hot water run over your body.

Back in the kitchen Charlie had made himself get up and go visit with his family.

"Hey mum."

"Hello Charlie. What happened last night? You know with y/n?"

"Nothing mum I found a strange woman in my bed and let her stay because she was comfortable."

"Whatever you say."

You had stepped out of the shower and threw on your leggings and blouse again. You completed a quick spell using your wand to untangle your hair and threw on your shoes.

On your way to the front door you threw Charlie's shirt in the washer.

"Alright see you in a bit Molly, Charlie your shirts in the wash." You waved at her before leaving.

Unloveable (Charlie Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now