what jack loves most about zach was that he never pushes jack to talk. none of the boys do, but it's different with zach. he would see jack struggling, and he would ask him if he wanted to talk.

usually, it's a no.

zach understands.

he'd hold him, distract him, make him laugh. if he was really really struggling, that calls for grounding time. he'd wrap jack up in his weighted blanket, keep a cool glass on water by his side, and have a small movie marathon.

he knew the trip to hawai'i threw him off. he loves it there but it's tiring.

they made it to corbyn's room, the door wide open. they were watching a show— criminal minds, season 2. they were in the middle of the bed, daniel holding onto corbyn, pressing soft kissing to the top of his head.

"hey guys." zach made themselves known. "you know when randy's coming?" he asked, squeezing jack's hand before letting go so he could climb on the bed. corbyn opened his arms for jack.

"not a clue, which kinda makes everything worse."

zach sat down on corbyn's gaming chair, facing the bed. a heavy sigh escaped him, watching jack play with corbyn's fingers while they talked quietly. "the day he finds out we all like boys.."

"we were talking about that earlier." daniel said, lowering the volume on the television. "he's gonna flip his shit."

"he's already flipped his shit, harassing jordan like that?" he scoffed, messing around with jack's hair.

"he did what?"

"well. jordan didn't take any shit from him. just the usual homophobic things he's said in the past." corbyn let jack draw invisible shapes on his hand. it was one way to calm the younger down. "he'll most likely give us the most shit."

"and jack." zach said, biting his cheek. "i don't even know what he's gonna say to jonah."

"probably how i wasn't thinking and that i need to learn how to bottle up my feelings and start hanging out with more girls." jonah said from the doorway, eben next to him. "hey guys." his voice barely audible.

jonah and eben made their way into the room, sitting on the beanbag in the corner of the room, cuddling up to each other. "do you want me to be there when he comes?" eben asked. he was planning on being there in the first place but he wanted to know if the boys wanted him there.

"no. no don't.. it's fine, e." jonah shook his head. "he's not your manager."

"yeah but i sorta feel like i just got you in trouble, jo."

"it wasn't your fault i went to minnesota."

"i followed you, jonah."

"i don't want you there, eben." jonah pleaded. "please, i'll just call you to pick me up after. i don't want him to eat you alive when he isn't your manager."

eben set his jaw, but nodded his head. "okay."

"you guys are already an old married couple, it's sickening."


once they were alone again, they decided to go on a walk. it was much nicer outside, the pair only needing a loose long sleeved shirt. they needed to clear their minds. the amount of anxiety rushing through them made them nauseous. fresh air does the trick. they turned off all notifications on their phones, keeping the device in their back pockets.

daniel thought it was crazy how he can walk around freely now, holding his boyfriends hand, not having to hide anymore. he can kiss him publicly, post about him (more than he already does) and share cute dorbyn edits on his story. he could go on dates with him, show him off, love him as much as he wants, whenever he wants.

he can't wait for the future with his boy.

"what're you thinking about?" corbyn broke the silence, giving his hand a small squeeze.

daniel twirled corbyn around, eliciting a tiny laugh from him. "you."

"oh yeah?" corbyn started to smile, looping his arms around his neck. "what about?"

"oh i don't know," daniel set his hands on his thin waist. "maybe just how much i love you. and how lucky i am to have you. and maybe just maybe, how happy i am now that i can finally show you off."

"i can kiss you," corbyn kissed daniel. "and post it on my story whenever i want and make everyone jealous 'cause you're mine."

"oooh i see the possessive bottom in you is coming out." he teased as the two started to walk again.

"and what about it?"

daniel shrugged. "it's cute."

"well it's not like i can just fuck you out of jealousy." corbyn said, kicking around a few pebbles.

"i mean, you could but you can't because the first and only time you topped, you nearly broke down because you were scared you would hurt me."

"well excuse me for not wanting to hurt my lovely and amazing boyfriend."

"and you're just much more submissive. it's cute. you, corbyn matthew, are very cute."

"okay okay." he rolled his eyes, but latched onto daniel's side. he draped his arm over corbyn's shoulder, lacing their fingers together again.

the walk didn't last much longer, they stayed out until the sun was setting and it was dark. the only thing lighting up the neighborhood being street lights and house lights. not that either of them minded. corbyn would probably get creeped out if he was walking alone in the dark but he has daniel.

daniel will always protect him.

when they finally got home and relaxed in bed, that's when corbyn saw the notification from randy on his phone. "tomorrow. he's coming at 6 tomorrow."

"what, in the morning?" daniel asked from the bathroom, his words muffled from his toothbrush.

"yeah." he plugged his phone in and got under the covers. "let the abuse begin, i guess."



no one:
corbyn to daniel: eat me

pls if you want me to follow your twitter pm me:( i need more twitter friends!!

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