Chapter 5: Muddled Fate

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The song for this chapter is Promiseland by MIKA

Author's Notes: Oh, BOY I did not expect some of the stuff that was revealed in Age of Calamity. I've got a lot to work with and it's going to be exciting to see how it plays out. I hope you all enjoy! Talk to you next time!

Revali flew away from the hill. He knew that Zelda was still there, alone, but she would be fine. She was tougher than she thought, she just needed a push and some words of encouragement. Zelda may not have been raised a warrior, like himself, but that didn't mean that she didn't have the potential to become one. Who knows? Maybe one day she would become even stronger than he, should her powers awaken. It was a humorous thought, imaging the princess riding into battle with blade in hand. Although, if the Calamity struck, he may bear witness to just that.

Now, time to get back to camp and get some sle-, Revali thought.

Suddenly, a purple flash caught his eye. It originated further north and in a patch of the woods. Revali immediately banked to the left and began flying towards the location. If it were monsters or Yiga, he'd rather they be dealt with while they were vulnerable in the dark. While some monsters could see in the dark, most were about as well off as any other race. Revali trusted his own sight and aerial superiority over whatever the threat happened to be. Gliding down from above, he circled like a vulture until he landed right behind a figure in a small clearing. Curious... he thought to himself. It was a taller man, draped in a dark cloak. He didn't appear to be Yiga, but something was off-putting about him. Revali drew his bow but did not notch an arrow just yet, he called out.

"Hey! You there. This area is off limits, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Revali announced, raising his voice.

The man turned; his face hidden under his cloak. He was holding an object of some kind. It didn't appear to be a weapon, but Revali kept his guard up. The man regarded the Rito in front of him. One of the Champions? I could kill him now, and neutralize one of the threats to my master, he thought. He then shook his head: No, fate has already declared my master the victor. Should I kill him, it may upset fate and change the outcome of our future. I must ensure that the Calamity prevails!

"Hey, do you have cotton in your ears?! Get lost... or else," Revali threatened, notching an arrow.

"Stay the course," the man replied. A mystical quality in his voice.

Revali blinked, "what are you blabbering on about?"

"Stay the course!" The man shouted, holding up the object in his hands. A bright purple light shot out from the metallic object he was holding, blinding Revali.

Revali shot up, his heart beating like crazy. He looked around and realized that he was in his tent back at camp. Was I dreaming...? Ow! Revali thought to himself. A sliver of pain shot through his head. It felt like a migraine had just appeared out of nowhere, without warning. He exited his tent and saw the other Champions preparing their things with Lin- what? Revali shook his head.

Link? What, were we on a first name basis now? Ha! That pathetic knight could never come close to someone such as I. He's nothing but a dead weight. Revali couldn't wait till he could be rid of that nuisance. Truthfully, he didn't even know why the Hylian was still with them. He was barely above average, and the four Champions were already there to protect her. How could she possibly need more protection with me nearby? It was simply asinine.


The king issued his first order to the Divine Beast pilots- seek out the knight who could wield the sword that seals the darkness. This would require that they vanquish the monsters in Korok Forest, where the legendary blade slept. All four of the pilots were to take part. Zelda- seeking data to help calibrate the Divine Beasts- accompanied them, as did Link, for he always stayed by the princess's side.    

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