Chapter 4: Enemies in the Shadows

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Picture is owned by Zeldapedia, I do not claim any rights to it. 

The song for this chapter is Alpake Highlands (Paprika) - Them's Fightin' Herds OST

Author's Notes: AAAAAAAHHHH Finals. I wish I could write more but man finding the time is hard. When I'm done with school, expect me to pick up the pace. I've seen a bunch of cool stuff in the game that I can't wait to get to. Stay tuned!

P.S Already almost 70 reads!? Y'all are amazing, I love each and every one of you!

In the shadows of the Yiga Hideout, a mysterious figure met with Sooga and Master Kogha.

"So you turned and fled, is that it?" The man said. His voice smooth and elegant.

"Hmm-hm Hm-hmm" Kogha hummed, "Well, if they hadn't interrupted me..."

"It seems that, as low as my expectations of you were, I was overly optimistic," the man replied, standing up. Sooga's hands immediately went to his blades, but the figure made no aggressive movements. In fact, they were quite passive and refined. He took a breath and spoke: "Well, no matter."

The man raised an odd object over his head. It looked like a dark purple sphere surrounded by several metal rings. "My harbinger..." he chanted, "show me the future."

There was a small guardian placed upon an altar of sorts. Unlike the one that traveled with the heroes, this one seemed to be possessed rather than having a life of its own. As the mechanism was raised, it floated out of the man's hands and emanated constellations that traced across the walls. Dark motes of Malice erupted from the small guardian and swirled towards the ceiling. In the dark cloud, images appeared. Images of a Calamitous Beast that swirled around Hyrule Castle, destroying everything in sight.

"The future as it will and must be. I will not allow anyone to alter its course," he said, his voice full of awe. He turned towards the two Yiga leaders, a dark sparkle in his eyes.

We find ourselves back at Urbosa's Palace, the clock winding backwards to the night before...

The door shut behind him, Link made sure that they were alone.

"So, how many?" He signed, making a gesture that resembled tossing something into the air.

"Well, obviously I'm not going to tell you. You'll cheat and say that you got more," Revali said, taking a seat on a small couch.

They found themselves in a small drawing room that had a couple of chairs and couches sparsely placed around the room. More importantly, they were alone. If they continued their little game outside, Impa would have given them another lecture on acting "mature." She just didn't understand that they had to do this, they had to know who what was better.

"I don't need to cheat, I'm confident that I beat you," Link signed, a slight smirk on his face.

"Fine then, show me your mettle! We'll write the number on a piece of paper and then reveal them at the same time, then it will be fair," Revali spat, holding out a wing.

Link nodded and doled out a piece of sketch paper and two pencils. They both took a moment to scribble their numbers and turned back towards each other.

"3... 2... 1!" Revali counted down, triumphantly flipping his paper.

Revali: 56     Link: 56

"What!? What?!" They reacted, grabbing each other's paper.

"Wait, your Kogha was fake! You don't get the points for that!" Link jabbed, signing.

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