Chirstmas part 2 baby!

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Yes I'm doing this again-

It was a relatively normal day in the Midwest hosue, Michigan and Ohio had gotten into an argument braking there 9 month streak. It was less a fight and more of a 'Michigan yelling at Ohio' moment. When things seemed to calm down Minnesota decided to check on Michigan because he seemed more upset than usual.

"Hey Mitch?" Minnesota asked a bit nervous.

"Yes Minne?" Michigan asked. 

"Uh are you ok? You seemed a bit more upset then usual when you and Ohio were fighting..."

"Oh yeah I'm fine! I'm just a bit upset because Yooper couldn't make it home before the Canadian border closed..." (FYI Yooper is like 18/19 and goes to a Canadian collage. She's living with Canada rn. She is also Michigan's daughter)

"Oh I'm sorry." Minne Said. she was a really empathetic state.

"It's fine. And I should go apologize to Ohio." Speaking of Ohio, the state had been easdropping on the convo and quickly went back up to his room feeling bad for Mitch for the first time ever.

After a few minutes Ohio heard Mitch coming up to his room.

"Hey uh- sorry for yelling at you earlier..."

"It's fine." Ohio said and Michigan quickly left Ohio's room. But Ohio had an idea and decided he would need a certain state to help.

But before we get to that

Meanwhile with the southern idiots + Hawaii.
"GET BACK HERE!" A very angry Tennessee yelled from the living room.

Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii run up the stairs to Georgia's room. When apart 2 of them were normal but when all three came together.... all hell brakes lose.
As Georgia was getting his door locked he revived a text message form the thirteen original idiots + a few GC.

1st idiot(Delaware) : WHERE ARE YOU?!

3rd idiot(New Jersey): Calm down Dela...

11th idiot(new York) : Shut up NJ

9th idiot's clone(Vermont): let's not fight, Georgia, NC, SC, Virginia and West Virginia please come to North eastern house now.

4th idiot (Georgia): Ok we'll be there soon

Georgia put his phone in his pocket and left his room walking past very agitated Tennessee.

"Where are you going?"

"To meet Delaware." Georgia said as Hawaii and Florida climbed out Georgia window and onto the roof.

"Wanna go count grass?" Florida asked

"Why not."


Cut to thirteen Idiots + some.

"Ok Pennsylvania has got all the chocolate we need, I don't trust half of you to unwrap the chocolate so me, Vermont, and Massachusetts will do that. Pennsylvania New Jersey and Georgia will work on snickerdoodles on the other side of the room so I don't have to deal with Massa and Penny's bs today. Maine, New York, and North Carolina will work on pennant butter cookies. Maryland, New Hampshire, and South Carolina will do the cheesecake cherry cookies (that's not a cookie). Bla bla another is Bad at making list just work on cookies." Delaware said and they all began to do there cookie task.

Cut back to Ohio...

"Hey Minnesota?" Ohio asked. He was standing outside her room. Her door was open btw.

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