Chapter One

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Today began like every day began in the Weasley household;six children waking up to soft sunlight pouring into their windows. Except today was no ordinary day for the Weasleys,because today was September the first. Today was the day that five of the six Weasley children would be going to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Two more children had joined the ranks as Hogwarts students:Ron and (Y/N)
Weasley,twins who looked and acted nothing alike. Molly Weasley,the matriarch of the household, began screaming for her children to "GET DOWNSTAIRS AND BEGIN EATING AT ONCE!!!" All six children filed into the kitchen,each scrambling for things they'd forgotten to pack,or to try and pull a quick prank,in Fred and George's case. Molly looked utterly exasperated at the boys' antics,but let it be all the same. She scurried around the small kitchen,giving her wand the occasional flick to clean the dishes and begin wrapping several piles of sandwiches in cling wrap. After what seemed like an eternity,every child had finished eating and was ready to go. Mrs Weasley lined her children up at the dusty old fireplace in the living room,letting them take it in turn to use the Floo network to take them to Kings Cross Station. Once there,Mrs Weasley guided her children toward the wall between platforms nine and ten while exclaiming in a cheerful yet tired voice:"This way,this way! Ah,packed with Muggles like every year!" What the seven people didn't know,however,was that a certain raven-haired boy was watching them and inwardly rejoicing at finding others that were like him,because the Weasleys were a wizarding family. "Alright,Percy,you first!" Mrs Weasley said,gesturing for the oldest boy with slightly curly red hair to go through the barrier. The raven-haired boy stared in astonishment as the boy,Percy,ran straight at a wall,and disappeared through it! Harry began walking toward the family as Mrs Weasley began speaking again:"Alright Fred,you next." She was now waving to one of two identical twins as she urged him to run through the barrier."He's not Fred,I am!" The other twin exclaimed."Honestly woman,and you call yourself our mother." The first twin shook his head"Oh,sorry George." The twins grinned as the older girl couldn't contain her laughter. 'George' pushed his trolley nearer to the barrier as he looked back at his mother with a cheeky grin,"Only joking,I am Fred!" And with that,he ran off. The next twin ran through the barrier before his mother could scold him as Harry finally plucked up enough courage to approach the family."Excuse me," he began as he caught the remaining four people's attention. Mrs Weasley immediately noticed that Harry was alone and wrapped her arms around Harry's shoulders in a motherly fashion as he stuttered out his question:"Coul-could you tell me h-how to...""Get onto the platform dear?" Mrs Weasley chuckled as Harry nodded."Is this your first time time at Hogwarts? It's Ron's and (Y/N)'s first time as well!" Mrs Weasley nodded to her second pair of twins as the three children exchanged awkward smiles."Now,what you want to do is run straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at bit of a run if you're nervous." Mrs Weasley pat Harry's shoulder while directing him to the correct wall as the youngest girl wished him good luck. Harry tightened his grip on his trolley,staring straight at the wall and began running,bracing himself for a crash against the brick wall,but it never came. Harry opened his eyes hesitantly,and found himself staring at a beautiful scarlet train that stated 'Hogwarts Express'. Harry stared at it in awe until something crashed into his back. He let out a grunt as he fell to the floor and groaned in pain as his cheek smashed against the cold floor. Someone let out a gasp behind him as they scurried forward to help him. Harry noticed it was one of the twins from earlier and she stooped down to help him. Now that he got to look at her closeup,Harry noticed that she was very pretty,with mid-length red hair,sparkling (e/c) eyes and a apologetic grin was etched on her face. "Merlin,I'm so sorry! Here,I'll help you." She extended her arm to help him up and Harry gratefully took it. After that,they heard two absolutely identical voices calling out something,and she looked over her shoulder."My brothers. Gotta go,bye!" And with that,she grabbed her trolley and ran off. Harry stared after her for a few seconds before snapping out of his trance. He was still standing right in front of the entrance to the platform,and did not want to get hit again. He grabbed onto his trolley handles and pushed it away,ready to board the train to escape the Dursleys.
Ron had managed to catch up with (Y/N) several minutes later on the train,and the two were now strolling down the train,looking for an empty compartment."There's only one person in this one!" Ron said excitedly. He and (Y/N) slid open the compartment door and Ron began speaking:"D'you mind if we sit here? All the other compartments are full." Harry nodded as the two slid into the seats opposite him. They sat in silence for a few moments before Ron spoke up again:"I'm Ron by the way,Ron Weasley. And that's (Y/N)." "Harry,Harry Potter." The twins shared a glance before turning back to Harry. By this point,(Y/N) was as scarlet as the Hogwarts express. The boy she'd crashed into earlier was none other than Harry Potter! She was in such a state that she didn't even hear Ron asking Harry about his scar and Ron snapping his fingers right in front of her face. It wasn't until Harry reached across the seats and shook (Y/N) gently on the shoulders did she snap out of her trance. Her cheeks flushed once again as she realised that she'd been staring at Harry."Sorry,I really don't know what is up with me today. I'm not usually this scatterbrained,Ron generally does that for both of us." Ron sent his twin a scowl which she chose to ignore,which caused Ron to begin arguing in a good-natured fashion. Only now did Harry realise how different the twins really were. Ron was tall and lanky,with ginger hair and blue eyes and lots of freckles. (Y/N) was shorter and was slimmer than Ron was,with her (h/t) red hair and her mesmerising bright (e/c) eyes,was slightly more tanned and had less freckles. Luckily for Harry,the twins stopped bickering soon when the plump trolley witch arrived outside their compartment."Anything from the trolley dears?" She smiled as Ron shook his head:"No thanks,we're all set..." he was holding up corned beef sandwiches,his least favourite. Harry saw the twins saddened expressions and fished out several galleons,sickles and knuts,announcing that they'd take the lot. Ron gaped at the amount of money Harry was spending at once,while (Y/N) mimed fainting in shock. Soon enough,the three were sprawled lazily in the compartment,laughing and eating as many Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and chocolate frogs as they could(Harry's flew out the window),until (Y/N) zoned out again. That's  when Ron noticed Harry staring at his rat,Scabbers."That's Scabbers. Pathetic,isn't he?" Harry nodded and agreed he was a bit pathetic,but (Y/N) was more blunt:"A bit pathetic? Are you sure those glasses of yours are working? Scabbers is the absolute worst! I mean,how cool could Scabbers be when you have (R/N)?" (Y/N) pat the pocket on her shirt proudly.Ron noticed Harry was confused and explained that (R/N) was the rat their older brother Bill had bought for her for her birthday."Oh yeah! Fred showed me a spell to turn Scabbers yellow,want to see?" Harry nodded eagerly,desperate to see more magic,but (Y/N) just snorted and folded her arms across her chest. Ron raised his wand above his head and prepared to say the incantation,only to be stopped by a bushy haired witch with buck teeth who appeared at the door of their compartment."Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." Ron shook his head no and was about to continue before the girl interrupted again:"Oh,are you doing magic? Let's see then." Ron cleared his throat and finally spoke,"Sunshine,daisies,butter mellow,turn this stupid fat rat yellow." However,all that happened was that Scabbers was blasted from the Bertie botts beans packet he was in. (Y/N) was laughing uncontrollably and muttering what seemed like 'ah,good old Freddie,I knew Ron would fall for it'. Harry shrugged,not knowing what to say,but ms bushy hair was not so good at hiding her suspicions:"Are you sure that's a real spell? It's not very good,is it?Of course,I've tried a few simple spells myself,but they've all worked for me. For example," she came into the compartment and sat next to (Y/N) and opposite Harry."Oculus Reparo!" Ms bushy hair gave a flick of her wand and the bridge of Harry's glasses were soon good as new and no longer covered in sellotape. Ron's eyes widened in admiration and shock as (Y/N) complimented that she was extraordinary."Thank you!" Ms bushy hair smiled before looking at Harry once more."Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! My friends have told me all about you. I'm Hermione Granger. And you two are..." "Ron Weasley." "And I'm (Y/N) Weasley,we're twins. Excuse my brother for being disgusting." (Y/N) shook Hermione's hand as she looked at her brother in disgust,as he was talking with his mouth full of food."Pleasure." Hermione said,clearly as disgusted as (Y/N). "You three had better change into your robes,I expect we'll be arriving soon." And with that she got up to leave. She had barely crossed the threshold of the compartment before she turned back to look at Ron."You've got dirt on your nose,did you know? Just there." She rubbed the side of her nose before turning around and leaving. Deciding to take Hermione's advice,(Y/N) scooped up her robes in her hands and walked off toward the toilets at one end of the train. She got dressed and was walking back to her compartment before someone crashed into her. Guess this is what I get for hitting Harry with my trolley earlier. She thought as someone grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up. She found herself staring at two icy grey orbs and noticed the tufts of platinum blonde hair on his head. Malfoy. He must've not noticed she was a Weasley,because he smiled graciously and held out his hand."Hi! What's your name? I'm Draco,Draco Malfoy." She was going to say something sassy to him,but someone butted in."Leave the poor girl alone,Malfoy!" (Y/N) turned around and was met with shining black hair and piercing grey eyes. Draco scoffed and walked toward her,sneering,"Don't think I gave you permission to speak to me,did I? You filthy mud-blood." With that,he spun on his heels,winked at (Y/N),and left to bully someone else. The grey eyed girl scrunched up her nose in disgust before turning and beckoning for (Y/N) to follow her."Besides,I'm not even a Muggle born." She muttered. The two girls ended up outside a compartment with two girls inside;a pale girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes,and Hermione. The black haired girl slid open the door and the other two girls looked up. Hermione smiled and pat the seat next to her,inviting (Y/N) to sit down. (Y/N) soon learned that the brown-haired girl was called Lisa Whitesmith,a half-Korean half-blood,and the black haired girl was Shelena Thompson,a pureblood. Deciding that these girls were much more interesting(and less disgusting) than her brother and Harry,she sat with Shelena, Lisa and Hermione the remaining ride there. True to what Hermione had said,the train stopped a few minutes later,and the four stepped off of the train.

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