Chapter 13: Her (Part I)

Start from the beginning

(And he would choke in his hatred for them, so bitter and so cold and he is right Goddamnit! He is never wrong. As much as he knows, those who crosses him are in the wrong.)

This boy seemed to glow and give off heat.

Like the sun. This boy is the sun.

(Does the boy ever feel like he was boiling? Isn't that too much? Too much warmth for Kaigaku. He should be evaporating with this heat, disappearing—)

(Kaigaku wants to feel and bask in this heat. He doesn't care if he gets boiled, melted or evaporated. He just doesn't want to go back to the cold, cold, cold winter. The bone-chilling ice in his veins, the cold hatred and the cold, cold, cold, darkness of the gaping hole in his little box of happiness.)

"Kaigaku-kun," The deep rumble behind him made Kaigaku jump a little, turning around, he came face to hips towards the tall blind teen that Kaigaku somehow could tolerate despite his crybabiness. "You should be in bed right now." A large (luke)warm hand ruffled his hair and he bristled before slapping it away.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go do that any way, no need to fu—." He felt the sightless stare boar heavily onto him, and he glared before turning his back. "—dging lecture me. Just wanna see the new kid."

Kaigaku scowled then stomped his way towards the boys' shared bedroom, making sure that his loud footsteps can be heard, and he hopes that it wakes up somebody. He wishes it was Sayo, the youngest of them here, he hates her and her over all whininess and clinginess to the blind teen.

(Kaigaku hates her the most, because unlike most of them, she came into the temple while she was still a baby. No memories of being abandoned like the lot of them, no memories of wandering around and starving for days and certainly no memories of being sold and running away from their new "owner".)

But as he drew near their sleeping quarters, Kaigaku can't help but think back to the sick boy who had a sad smile but still managing to look like he was the damn sun.

That night, Kaigaku begins to dream about all that warmth wrapped around himself, always there with him, with no hatred heavy on his heart, just with his own sun in human form, always smiling at him and always looking at him with care and kindness.


A few years later, after spilling his hatred towards the concept of being a family because of one stupid meddling effeminate boy. Kaigaku would look back on the memory of the first time seeing Senritsu. It was certainly a memorable one, a lasting impression just with one gaze and a sorry excuse of a smile. Kaigaku tightened his hold on Senritsu as he let his tears fall for the first time since he was told that he was being sold off to some fucker, it was warm. Senritsu is warm to the touch just like Kaigaku suspected. She smelled like his favorite peaches, the rainforest and homemade red bean paste. It was wonderful. She is wonderful.

Kaigaku had never met a person who can be both so lovely and so warm.

(Slowly, the cold broken thing that was Kaigaku's forgotten box of happiness was being mended.)

Only her.

Only Senritsu.


This girl...

Sanemi stared at the girl currently resting on the futon. Her peaceful sleeping face seemed to mock him even further, her hair now unbound by the hat? Bandanna? (Whatever, it's like something Uzui would wear) splayed across the sheets, the only color that remained on her person, the redness on her cheeks had disappeared after breaking off the fever earlier this day. The sunlight coming from the open sliding panel, playing with her brightly colored hair, making it all the more golden, like the last streaks of sun beams stretching across the sky at dawn, emphasizing her paleness.

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