Chapter 06: Moving Forward

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The Life and Times of an Average Coward

Chapter 06: Moving Forward

Warning: Timeskips Galore


To clarify, Giyuu, Sabito and Urokodaki refer to Zen-chan with gender neutral pronouns when talking about her or to her at the first part. Don't mistake it as the boys calling her 'them' or 'they', its just in Nihonggo or Japanese, people sometimes refer to others in gender neutral pronouns like 'aitsu' or 'koitsu' which can both mean him/her. So for the time being the boys are switching from him/he to her/she but in the near future Zen-chan would be able to convince them to call her with male pronouns to solidify her guise and the boys would reluctantly agree to sooth her non-existing worries about her lack of convincingness when it comes to manliness and being seen through her disguise. Giyuu blames Sabito for that fact alone.


~1 year later~

"Zen, come with me." Yuu glared at the hand holding my other hand. Frustration, jealousy and irritation present in his heart.

A slight hum. "But I'm going to show Zen-chan something and he already agreed." The hand tightened its hold while Yuu tugged me to his direction.

"He's coming with me."

"No." Sabito—or Sachi for me at least—started pulling too and his kind smile somehow looked threatening in its pleasantness.

"Let go, Sabito-san."

"No can't do, I asked him first."

"Hn." Yuu's hold tightened painfully, his sapphire cut eyes drilling to lavender fox-like eyes. Somehow that action reminded me of that one anime guy with a duck's butt for hair, what was it again? Uchiwa? Uchiha?

Either way, it has to do with a fan of all things.

What's with these two?! I tried to wriggle my hands free but their grip won't relent and it's starting to become painful. I sighed in exasperation.

Here we go again.

"You should learn how to share you know, don't hog Zen-chan all to yourself Giyuu."

Yuu frowned. "I don't have to share him, he's my friend."

Sachi quirked a brow, the mellow rain starting to become violent, pulling me closer to him. "So what? He's my friend too."

"I was first."

"And that was last year, you've only met him a month before we've met, hence, you have already spent more time with him. That's why he's going with me right now." Sachi spoke calmly, his brows furrowing slightly.

Yuu just pulled, not bothering to reply, his eyes were cold and angry.


I am confused as hell by these two ridiculous boys, pulling at me like I'm some toy that they insisted being theirs. It had already been a year since our faithful meeting that involved a cliff and a possible pedo that turned out to be an old man who trains children to become slayers of the abominations called demons.

So much had happened, Yuu insisting to become Tengu-jiji's student was the very star of those changes. I was against it and still am to this day, because what kind of friend am I if I tolerate the thought of a friend battling with an honest to God monster? What type of dumbass would I be if I willingly let my friend, one of my precious people, go into a dangerous job that might lead to his earlier grave?

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