Start from the beginning

"So cruel." I mumbled. "Anyway, that doesn't mean I'm going. Plus I don't need any CCTV camera watching me."

"It's just for safety and evidence purposes, Sam." Shayne chuckled. "Or do you have anything to hide?" He smirked. I glared at him, making him raise his hands in innocence while chuckling.

"Truthfully? One of the many other reasons is that literally everyone is practically going to the dance with 'a date'." I made an air-quote with my fingers. "Not like I need one. But I can't have everyone around me being all mushy and everything."

"Awwww!" My friends suddenly gushed making me give them an incredulous look.

"Are y'all being serious right now?" I snapped.

"You don't need to get upset, girl!" Cecilia said. "I'm also going alone. So is Lucas." Lucas nodded. But not Shayne?

"Well, I would most definitely have gone alone. But apparently, a girl from school asked me to go with her, few weeks ago and I just couldn't say no." Shayne said. Crystal scoffed.

"You could say no!" She claimed.

"Did you see her face?" Shayne exclaimed, shaking his head, making us laugh. I recalled Crystal said Drew had asked her to the dance but they didn't seem like they were currently on talking terms. Since no one talked about it, I decided to be quiet.

"Anyway. You girls can be my dates?" Lucas clapped. I gave him a weird look and so did Cecilia. "Right. Nevermind."

"Why didn't you ask any girl to the dance?" Cecilia asked. Lucas shrugged.

"I honestly didn't plan to go. But Crystal made me change my mind when she reminded me it's going to be our last homecoming together in this school. Gotta make every memory count."

"Uhun!" Crystal concurred, nodding. "Now, Sam, tell me you're coming!"


"Hi! You're welcome. How may I help you?" A boutique attendant said, beaming at Cecilia, Crystal and me.

"Thank you. I need something simple and elegant!" I said. She nodded and led us to a section of the boutique.

After successfully convincing me to attend the dance, Crystal had forced me to drive them all to a certain boutique kilometers away from my house. While we girls shopped, the boys stopped by few buildings away, at a restaurant that had a bowling game.

I was definitely sure they went there more for the bowling than for the food. Why? Because they had all helped themselves to the huge apple pies Theresa had offered me and my friends before we all went out. There was no way they could be hungry again. Right?

After what seemed like forever, I finally settled for a perfect long cream colored sleeveless gown. Cecilia and Crystal also chose long sleeveless gowns but only Crystal's had slits. We then went to the shoes section and purchased heels.

It was as I decided to also buy a shining red purse that I saw a movement. It seemed like someone tried to hide from being seen. This only seemed to pique my interest. Involuntarily, I found myself walking towards the place the movement had taken place.

As I neared there and distanced myself from my friends, I was suddenly grabbed and my mouth was covered with a big hand. I kicked and tried to scream or at least bite the hand, but my mouth was pressed firmly shut.

"Shhh, Sam. It's me." I immediately relaxed as soon as I heard Damon whisper into my ears. I nodded and he let go of me.

"Gosh Damon, you scared me!" I whisper-shouted. He chuckled.

The Bullies' Slave 1Where stories live. Discover now