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Y/N Pov

"Ugh I'm finally out of school," I said
as I headed to my best friend ten's

 We've been best friends since birth we do everything together. " Hi, Ms. Leechaiyapornkul is Ten around by any chance?  " Y/N what a pleasure to see you he's in his room packing for his flight.

" Weird I thought as I headed up to his room.  "  So what's this flight you're going on and why didn't you tell me out of all people," I said as I sat on his bed.

" I knew if I told you you would've freaked out, but I'm heading to South Korea I passed my audition and got invited to be a trainee don't worry y/n I'll still come visit from time to time plus we can call each other I know it's different time zones but I still want to keep in contact with my best friend. 

"Mhm, I'm happy for you though I can't believe you made it so when do you leave ". " I leave tomorrow I know I should've told you sooner but maybe you can stay the night ? "

" I'll ask my folks but you know how strict they can be, " I said as I texted my mom, " She said yes your lucky she likes you if it we're anyone else she would've said no in a heartbeat."

" I'm practically family sweetheart your folks love me" he said while smirking at me.

"Whatever weirdo let's get ready for your flight in the morning "  i said getting in his bed.

* time skip *

" Y/N, Chittaphon wake up we have be at the airport by noon and its 9am so get up and dressed we are leaving in a hour"

" Ugh I can't believe your leaving me here dude your going to freaking Korea ten I'm going to miss you so much " i said getting ready

" Y/N I'm gonna miss you too , and i promise it won't be that long and we'll keep in contact with each other i promise " he said as we headed down stairs .

"Alright you two lets get going it's a long drive to the airport, ten do you have everything packed "

" Yes mom i have everything  " he said putting his luggage in the trunk "

*At the airport *

" I started tearing up as we got closer an closer to ten's gate im going to miss my best friend , im so proud of him though i know he's going to do great in Korea and maybe i can vist him someday"  .

" Y/N are you okay hey hey dont cry I won't be gone for that long sweetheart " he said while tearing up.

" I know ten im going to miss you so much but im so app for you and maybe i can visit you once I grab and save up some money.  I said as we headed to his gate  .

" Well this is me mom y/n please don't cry i will make sure to contact you both once I  land" he said hugging us.

" Ok please take care " i said watching him walk away.

Alright y'all so the first challenge is officially up i definitely was self conscious about posting this since im not the best at writing but I'm definitely going to try and get better, i decided to write this book because there really aren't alot of ten ambw books on here, but don't forget to like and comment  .

- Des

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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