A/N (I'm lazy & other things and stuff)

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Hey guys :)
I'm sorry if I haven't been updating this story enough but as I've said, I've been kinda busy and and a lot of the time when I'm not, I've just been doing something to stop things that I have struggled to push past, like every single kid in my class hating me for being shy and all that stuff.
Thanks to everyone who takes time out of their day to read my fan-fics, comment or/and vote. Even if I don't reply I have most likely read it and I really appreciate you commenting, but being the awkward person I am, I couldn't think of an answer <3 I'm not ignoring any of you, I promise.
The one last thing I wanted to share was, I GOT FREAKING FALL OUT BOY TICKETS!!!!!! HOLY HELL!!!!! They booked a date in Scotland in MY city! I can stal- I mean... I can be friends with Patrick and Pete... Yeah, that XD
Stay stronk my x'ers and peace <3

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