My Mitchell

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My eyes fluttered open to a room of chaos again and everyone gathering around something. "G-guys, is Mitch awake?" I asked. My faint voice must have caught Adam's attention because he started looking for the source. "I'm over here." I told him. "Oh, um... Yeah, I knew that." Adam muttered awkwardly. "Umm, no. Mitch isn't awake." He gave me a sympathetic look. "Well then who's that?" I said and motioned towards the big crowd of TC members. "That..." He pointed to someone in the middle of all the chaos. "Is Elyssa. We don't really know who she is but she's hot!" He said. That caught Ty's attention. He whipped around and stormed over to Adam. "But you think I'm hotter, right?" Ty asked with his sulky voice on. "Always Tyler." Adam leaned in and gave Ty a kiss. I felt jealousy rise as I realized how alone I actually felt without Mitch.

I stood up and ran over to Mitch's side. "Mitch, please don't leave me! P-Please, j-just get up! We could run away together. Please!" I sobbed. "I would... Never l-leave y-you biggums..." I looked up and into Mitch's eyes. They looked darker than usual. "You... I thought you'd died when you screamed! Don't scare me like that ever again Mitchell!" I sobbed onto his shoulder.

My attention turned towards the rising argument between the Apple, Muffin and Elyssa. "I can fight! I could help you! I'm a hybrid." Elyssa begged. "You could be one of them!" Ian joined in. "I trust her." Jason said as he stood beside her. "You do?"

"What, do you not want me on your side?" Jason chuckled. "I didn't say I don't like it." She smirked. I chuckled at her cheeky remark. It sounded like something Mitch would say. "She doesn't even look like she can fight!" Ian protested. "Dude, give her a chance!" I told him. "I'm trying to stop someone else from getting hurt, like Mitch!" He yelled. "Don't you bring my Mitchell into this!" I warned. "Ha! Your Mitchell? Dude! We met years ago! How long have you known him for?" Bacca's are kind of like that green dude that humans watch where when he gets mad he transforms and beats the crap out of the person that pissed him off, with the exception that I'm stuck as a bacca and can't transform. I could feel the anger inside me rise until I couldn't take it. I pounced on Ian and started punching him. It started going back and forth to who was winning the fight until all three of the girls pulled me off him.

After the fight we all sat in the silence we'd needed for a long time. I took the time studying everyone else's features. (This part was defiantly not made because I forgot to describe looks XD)I never really got the chance to memorize facial features and clothing items because we were all too busy fighting.

For instance, Apple has pretty light blue, wavy hair, red eyes, a white jacket with a red turtle neck, blue jeans and grey shoes.

Muffin is a bit like Ian in a way scene as they both wear sunglasses and are mostly *cough, cough* Ian... happy. Her usual outfit in a navy blue sweater with a hood, a light green skirt, which I would probably wear if I was a girl. YOU GUYS CAN'T JUDGE ME! I'M GAY! Anyway, umm. She has a pair of grey and fuchsia headphones placed around her neck, long brown hair but there only one thing that bugs me about her... She dosen't have shoes. Call me a cry baby if you want but I don't like toes. Even my own ones! There're like satanic versions of fingers! They honestly creep me out more than the pill.

The new girl, Elyssa, has nice wavy brown hair with silver highlights, deep brown eyes, a blue sundress with a jean jacket on top, a pair of brown boots and the thing that stands out the most to me besides the scent. She has silver fox ears sticking out from both, left and right sides and a tail.

I don't know why I'm thinking this but she kinda looks like my-

"I'm sorry for was bothering you then!" My thoughts were interrupted by yet another argument as Ian started picking a fight on the new girl again. I started to rise to my feet once I felt my eyes flare a bright red colour. I was slowly pushed back down by Muffin but I guess it was for the best. Not for me but for Ian... I would so kick his ass in another fight! I watched the fight go on as Elyssa glanced around the room for backup. I was about to go on a rampage until Jason stood up and punched Ian in the face. Ian stood up, rage in his eye's. He tackled Jason to the ground and was about to throw a punch until Elyssa came up from behind him, grabbed him and knocked his lights out. I just sat back in my chair and smirked.

Elyssa looked up at us, waiting for someone to say something. "G-guys... I'm sorry! I-I was, I mean. I'm not normally like thi-" Jason stopped her in mid-sentence by having a make-out session in the middle of the room over Ian's unconscious body.

"H-hey... What did I mi-ss" Someone said. I turned around to see Mitch... My Mitch.


Not one of the best chapters but the last two where basically just introducing the amazing new characters :) If any of the people who created the characters want to change you character/characters speech or actions then please tell me what to change and I'll do it as soon as I can. thanks guys.

If any of you want to make your own version of this then please, go ahead. I'd love to see what you guys do with the story.

Stay stronk my x'ers and bye <3

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