Beautiful Scars On Critical Veins.

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I scuff my combat boots along the forest floor that was barely noticeable under the thick piles of leaves and fallen branches as lift my crossbow onto a comfortable position on my shoulder.

I flicked my fringe out of my left eye as I looked up at Sage, who was humming a tune.

"Beautiful scars on critical veins." I sang along. She looked up at me and smiled, making me chuckle. "I love you."

"Back at you. I wonder if they have the implant?" I thought thought the last bit outloud. She sighed. "He does. All Time Low are still continuing their music career as normal. Most things haven't changed to be honest. Nobody's seen Gerard since the implant. Maybe he escaped?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"He's a fighter, I'll tell you that much. I wouldn't be surprised." I told her.

Her smile grew wider, which made me scared.

"Now come one come all to this tragic affair."

I started grinning as she sang a song that was all too failure.

"Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair." I continued the song, and she took the line after.

"So throw on the black dress, mix is with the lot. You might Wake up and notice you're someone you're not."

"If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see. You can find out first hand what it's like to be me."

"So gather 'round piggies and kiss this goodbye."

"I'd encourage your smiles. I'll expect you won't cry" We screamed. It was fun at the time, but now that I think about it, it probably wan't the smartest idea.

Twigs snapped in front of us. I pulled my crossbow from my back, Sage repeating my action but with her bow.

A male in who looked twenty stood there, eyes wide, his gaze drifting from me to Sage.

"Sage, what are you doing with an-" He gave me a look of disgust, like a rich man would to someone who was homeless. "Outsider." Sage gulped.

"Quinten... I-I-" I held my hand up to stop her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Quinten?" I spat, almost ready to pounce. "Not that one." I took a step back, feeling embarrassed. "Oh..."

"You don't call me Quinten, we both know that." He snarled. "I can call you whatever I want. You're in a lower position than me." Sage's eye's flashed black, as did Quinten's, which made me wonder why mine didn't do that anymore. I had the implant, didn't I?

"Master likes me more, that's why. You have to respect me, because trust me, you won't be in that position for much longer. Play your cards right, and you might be safe. Might.

"Don't you dare touch he-" I slowed the pace of my sentence until it came to a stop. He wasn't looking at me, he was staring at something behind me.

I spun on my heels to see Apple, Muffin and Elyssa staining behind us. All of them equipped with weapons.

"Adam sent us." Elyssa informed me, her eyes still locked on Quinten. "Sage?" I mumbled. "Yeah?"

"Stand behind me." She did as she was told before questioning me, so before she could, I launched myself at Quinten, letting my crossbow fall onto the ground.

I pinned him to the ground with little effort needed, and held my dagger that I kept in my pocket up to his neck. "Never, and I mean never, mess with Sage, my friends or me again. If you do, then next time there won't be a warning. Got that?" My eyes started glowing red with anger, which wasn't good.

I felt Sage's hands lift me off the ground, allowing him to run back to town.

"Chris, Preston needs you." Apple called after me sympathetically as I walked in the same direction as him. I stopped in my tracks. 

She's right...

"Chris, who's Preston?" Sage's voice was wavy from the tears she held back. "My son." I muttered. "You can't have kids though. You had the implant." I looked at her in confusion. "Well I had one, and I had the implant."

"The food." I turned to the person who spoke, which was Muffin. "Huh?"

"I watched the routine in cat form. I was on the inside of those walls. They serve you food, and you have to eat it. Right?" I turn to my girlfriend, who nodded her head, confirming that part of the theory was correct."Whatever they add into the food keeps you a child after the implant, which is what must have happened to you?" I smiled.

"Do any of  you think you can get a sample. I want to see if we can stop it from working?" Sage's hand raised. "We have a plan then."

Thank you so much for reading. <3 I don't have much to say so I'm gonna end it here, but before I do, the songs I used in this chapter were 'Kids In The Dark' by All Time Low and 'The End." by My Chemical Romance. :)

Stay stronk guys. Byeeeee!

~LilXmc (Louise)

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