Interview with pialikesfood

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Interview with pialikesfood, author of 3 popular novels on Wattpad: Cupcake Kisses, A Criminal's Kiss, and Best Friends for Never. Check out her profile in the external link!

1.How did you find out about Wattpad?

My friend, Sarah, mentioned it to me a few times but I never really thought to check it out. She told me to read 'Dinner With A Vampire' and eventually, I did. I totally loved it and then after that I was just completely hooked!

2. Did you ever think you would start writing on Wattpad?

At first, definitely not. I mean I always liked reading and writing, but I never imagined myself being able to write a whole book.

3. What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

Sorry to disappoint, but I am INCREDIBLY boring outside Wattpad. I like photography, aside from writing, it's my preferred creative outlet. I love watching films, particularly anything from the 80s. I also like spending my money on overpriced clothing and exploring my city (London).

4. What are your inspirations for writing? Favorite authors outside Wattpad?

Right now, I don't have any particular favourite authors, just a lot of favourite books.

5.  Favorite authors on Wattpad?

I have so many! The main ones have to be RobThier, ToastedBagels, AubreyEatsHearts, katrocks247, lilly-rain, kirsty1000, ACRL37, DarknessAndLight. There's about a hundred more but those are just a few.

6.  Do you get your character's personality or life off your own? Which one is like you?

Slightly, yes. The main characters from my first two books (A Criminal's Kiss and Best Friends For Never) are more who I want to be. They're confident and strong willed, traits I wish I had. In the book I'm working on right now, Cupcake Kisses, the main character has a similar personality to myself and some of my close friends. She's awkward and sarcastic, not quite sure of herself.

7.  Do you want to make a career out of your writing?

I would love to. Sadly, I doubt I will. I love it so much, but it's not the most practical career. Especially since I'd love to be a screenwriter, which is an incredibly unreliable career choice.

8.  What is the most random or sweetest thing a fan ever said to you?

In the 'About Me' box on my profile I've mentioned that I want to be a screenwriter or a journalist, but that its highly unlikely. After reading it, a fan messaged me to say: Do not give up on your dreams. Seriously. I'm pretty sure you'd be an amazing screenwriter or a journalist. Don't ever give up on your dreams. They're those little things that can keep us sane.

It was one of the kindest, sweetest and inspiring things anybody has ever said to me.

9.  When did you start writing?

I started writing on Wattpad around three years ago, when I was twelve. Thankfully, I took down the first story I wrote because it was absolutely awful.

10. What would you like to say to your fans?

That I wouldn't be writing without them. I know its super lame and cheesy, but it's true. I'm the type of person who gives up on things easily, but my fans are the reason I keep writing. I also want them to know that they're all amazing, motivating and so incredibly supportive. I'm so thankful for them and I love them very much.

I hope you guys enjoyed this interview! While you're waiting for the next interview, don't forget to check out my other stories! :)

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