Interview with yourstrulytrina

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This interview is with yourstrulytrina, author of 3 different novels, Hollywood's Princess, Resetting our Love, and Falling for the Opposite, which have each accquired over a million reads in less than 2 years. Click the external link to check out her profile!

1. How did you find out aboout Wattpad?

Well, wattpad is really famous, there was a time when wattpad stories were the only thing peers would talk about in school, it was kind of hard to miss a site that is really popular.

2. Did you ever think you would start writing on Wattpad? 

Actually, I prevented myself from wattpad. I was fanfiction writer at some other website, and of course, I knew about wattpad, but as much as I would love to try out to break free from writing fanfictions to writing original ones, it was a difficult decision to leave my readers there. Thinking that I would lose what I worked hard for, I restrained myself from leaving my comfort zone, but as they say, the real adventure starts when you leave your comfort zone.

3. What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

Well, besides from when I’m studying for hours and hours, my second love to writing is obviously reading. It’s like my vice to reach out for a book, I’m addicted to thousands of words written on paper, a bookstore is my second home. Other than that, give me a paintbrush and you just got me distracted for an extremely long time. If you want to go technical then give me a Photoshop project and I’ll do it until my finger twitch from holding the mouse too long.

4. What are your inspirations for writing? Favorite authors outside Wattpad?

How come whenever somebody asks what my inspiration is, I can never answer it? You can say that my inspiration is my own life. Like I say to my readers, they read my stories, they read my life. Jay Asher has been one of my favorite authors, I adore his books, especially Thirteen Reasons Why which made a huge mark on my life, my second favorite is John Green who probably occupies his own area in my shelf right now.

5. Favorite authors on Wattpad?

 @HonorInTheRain has acquired my admiration by writing In 27 Days, and of course, I will never forget the one and only famous @JessGirl93

6. Do you get your character’s personality or life off your own? Which one is like you?

An absolute yes. To answer the second question, my reply would be all of my main characters. They each contain my different personalities, from having a snobby attitude when I’m annoyed to being the peppiest girl when I find the mood. My stories are like puzzle pieces that if you place together the right sides, then you’ve just decoded what kind of person I am and what kind of life I live.

7. Do you want to make a career out of your writing?

The funny thing was, a year ago during this exact moment, I would have laughed at the question, thinking it was absolutely hilarious to do a career with writing. Back then, I hated the idea of being held to a publishing deal, because I treasured writing as simply a hobby. But look at us now, one of my books is already just a few months before it finally gets released in print. 

8. What is the most random or sweetest thing a fan ever said to you?

To make me choose only one thing is impossible. For me, I’m the luckiest person to have each and one of my fans, they’re already a part of my life, and most of them know that I hate playing favorites. Truthfully, all they do is random and sweet in my eyes.

9. When did you start writing?

Exact date that I started writing would be January 3, 2011, but on another site. If we’re talking about wattpad, May 4, 2013. Technically, it hasn’t even been two years yet.

10. What would you like to say to your fans?

You guys are annoying, extremely frustrating to the point it makes me want to tear my hair out, you’re one of the root causes of my stress, the amount of times my heart sank because you guys didn’t like what I wrote is impossible to count, and I’m sometimes afraid to go into this website because of you. At the same time, you guys are amazing, extremely adorable to the point it makes me want to jump into the computer just to hug you, you’re one of the root causes of my smiles, the amount of time my heart leaped because I see how wonderful you are is impossible to count, and every day when I get home, I’m always eager to open wattpad because of you. The main point is, you’re not a walk at the park, but for me, everything is worth it because I love you all so much. Thank you, I could never express how appreciative I am of you all.

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