Interview with ShyGabs

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Interview with ShyGabs, author of Prince With Benefits and other stories

1)              How did you find out about Wattpad?

 I found it one day when I was really bored and was just scrolling through my iphone on the app store. I started reading books on my phone and after a while I signed up on the site.

 2)              Did you ever think you would start writing on Wattpad?

 Nope. Never in my whole life.

I always had the itch to write something and in english, of all things. But it kind of felt out of place, since I felt like it wouldn't be read by anyone I knew or even get published in any form at all.

 3)              What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

 Well, I am a bit older than most wattpaders. Not too old, though :). I work and am a proud Mom of two little monsters :) So I don't have much time for hobbies. Wattpad kind of turned into one.

 4)              What are your inspirations for writing? Favorite authors outside Wattpad?

 The first book I read in english was little women and then Pride and Prejudice. And then pretty much everything wrote by Jane Austen. I also love Harry Potter and I have all the books in english, as well. That was kind of weird at the time, now everyone reads in english in my country.

 5)              Favorite authors on Wattpad?

 Darknessandlight, xxskater2girl16xx (not sure if that's written properly), xoStardust, Englishtoffee17, among others... :)

 6)              Do you get your character’s personality or life off your own? Which one is like you?

 I think every chapter has a bit of your own. Like there are some scenes that did happen to me. Like the one with the cherry, when Scott kisses Em...I kind of feel connected to both my main characters. They do have a little bit of me :)

Do I base my life or the people I know on them? probably! They are a mix of different personality treats that I might like or dislike, but that they come together in one of my characters.

7)              Do you want to make a career out of your writing?

 It would be a dream come true. I do plan to publish PWB, even if it's self-published. I will do it someday :)

8)         What is the most random or sweetest thing a fan ever said to you? 

 I couldn't pick one!! Seriously! People have been so kind to me. There's always a positive message to me vian inbox or on my profile, it's overwhelming. It makes me feel better if I'm having a crappy day. And also commited to you guys, like I really don't want to dissapoint any of you (even if that is absolutely impossible).

 9)              When did you start writing?

 I don't remember really, I think it was somewhere around a year ago...On wattpad, that is. When I was a little girl and we have this typewriter (I KNOW!! old) I loved spending all afternoon typing short stories that I would show to my parents.

Actually, my dad predicted that one day I would become a writer :)

 10)            What would you like to say to your fans?

 You guys are my inspiration. You comments and votes mean the world to me. I never thought that one of my crazy creations could become popular. How it happened? I have no idea. The whole credit is yours :) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU :)

Love you guys!

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