Chapter 60: Fear the Face of Reincarnation

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I understood what Xiao Hua meant. At that moment, I finally understood everything. But I still couldn't believe it.

He had prepared a human skin mask for me that looked like my Uncle Three. He didn't want to show me the art of Yi Rong, he wanted me to wear it.

I suddenly admired him a whole lot more. He was thousands of miles away but still knew the situation here and could make the most accurate decision. He knew that no matter how hard I tried to find old connections, the whole thing couldn't be undone. Uncle Three's power in Changsha had completely collapsed and turned into numerous small interest groups that nobody could command.

The only way was for Uncle Three to come back.

But he couldn't come back, so what now?

We would create an Uncle Three.

But for some unknown reason, I suddenly felt a chill spread from the soles of my feet as I looked at this human skin mask.

I started to tremble, but I didn't know whether it was because of fear, panic, excitement, or some other emotion. In fact, there were countless emotions in my body competing against each other at this moment, and numerous scenes were flashing through my mind. Some were of my Uncle Three, some were what I imagined would happen when I faced everyone after becoming Uncle Three, and some were when I was alone. At the same time, Poker-face and Fatty's faces kept popping up.

Fortunately, it was just for a moment. As my palms began to sweat, I immediately calmed down and started to think about the problem. After a few seconds, I understood my choice.

There was no other choice.

"How do you wear this?" I asked the girl.

"If you're willing to wear it, I'll help you put it on. The whole process takes four hours and can last for four weeks. Have you thought it over?"

It was enough as long as I could rescue them. "Is it realistic?"

"After I help you put it on, you can judge for yourself." With that said, she pointed to a nearby reclining chair, indicating that I should lie down.

I did as she asked, and she immediately put the human skin mask on my face. At that moment, my ears suddenly rang with Uncle Three's words:

"Some masks can't be taken off if they're worn too long."

End of Volume 7.

To be continued to Volume 8...

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