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Billies pov

Bil: jah?-i said seeing jah turn around at the sound of my voice. I saw him tense up as soon as he saw me

Jah: what are you doing here?

Bil: i work in here, what-

Jah: didnt you move out of town? Lemme guess, another lie?-he cut me

Bil: jah, i-

Jah: your parents are looking for you-he cut me again-im leaving-he turned around ready to leave

Bil: wait no-i ran after him-pls stay, you dont have to quit just bc of me, you dont even have to look at my face just pls dont tell my parents that im here

Jah: why would i lie for you?

Bil: bc ik that youre still a great person and that you know that if im lying i have a really good reason for it-i said

Jah: just like i knew that you lied to me bc youre in love w brandon?-he said crossing his arms

Bil: what? Im not in love w brandon, i-before i could finish he gave me this look that just screamed "i dont believe in you"-brandon is a great person and he helped me more than anyone ever did-i said

Jah: idc-he simply said-after this, dont talk to me-he said making me nod

Bil: cmon-i motioned for him to follow me as i started showing him around


Jahs pov

Cleo: jah? Is that you?-i heard my mom as soon as i walked inside my house

Jah: yeah mom-i answered walking towards the kitchen where i saw everyone serving dinner

Ricky: go wash your hands and then come tell us how was at work-dad said making me nod and go to my room. I left my bag in there and went to the bathroom washing my hands before going back down and sitting w them for dinner

Denzel: so, how was it?-denzel asked

Jah: to be honest? Weird, yall dont even know who works that too

Ricky: lemme guess, Beyoncé?-dad said smirking as i heard mom gasp chocking on her food

Cleo: i swear that if you dont stop!-mom said hitting his arm as she rolled her eyes

Jah: anyways, no, not Beyoncé dad-i paused-billie

Denzel: Billie? THE billie?-denzel said and i nodded

Ricky: wasnt she out of town?

Cleo: more important, werent her parents looking for her?

Jah: idk man, she could have been out of town and came back now or she just lied and never even left

Denzel: why is she such a liar, damn

Jah: but idk man, something doesnt fit right to me

Ricky: jah, shes a liar and thats it

Jah: no, i being serious-i said-when i asked her why would i lie for her, she said that i knew her enough to know that if she was lying then it was for a good reason-i said thinking ab memories i had w her-mom?

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