all i want⁶

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Billies pov:

Brandon: put it out! Put it out! Put it out!-god, i already regreat showing him the song, he wont stop

Bil: im not putting anything out and if you even think of opening your mouth to say something to your friends, im cutting your dick off-i said to him and he pouted. He was just ab to say something when the bell ring

We both stood up grabbing our things and starting to walk inside the school

Brandon: why are you wearing a hoodie, i feel like im on fire-he said looking at my hoodie. I was sweating inside that shit but if i took it off, everyone would see the bruises all over my arms

Bil: its not that hot-i lied as he opened the door for me

When we got inside we received a lot of looks and a lot of people said hi or dapped brandon

Brandon: what do you have now?

Bil: comunication

Brandon: boring-he said doing a disgusted face and i laughed hitting his arm

Bil: hey! The teacher is nice okay, i like her

Brandon: i like her too but are you gonna tell me that that shit isnt boring?-he said and i laughed nodding my head-told ya

Lea: look if its not the new couple-lea suddently appeared making me tense up a little bit

Brandon: hi lea-brandon said annoyed

Lea: so what, you skip from queens to losers?-she said looking at me and right when i was ab to say that we werent dating, brandon put his arm around my shoulder pushing me closer to him

Brandon: yeah, at least shes hotter-brandon said and everyone hissed, a few "uuhh" came out as well

Prince: bro, cut the bullshit-prince suddently appeared grabbing me by my arm out of the circle-shes not your toy to be playing w her like that, do you even know if she feels comfortable w this circle around her? Or w your arm around her? Or w you calling her hot?-he said to brandon. And i mean, hes right, i wasnt comfortable w neither of those things-and you-he turned to lea-stop thinking that youre the last cookie in the package and that the world revolves around you-he said before giving both of them a last glance and taking me out of there w gawa by his side

Bil: thank you, you didnt have to-

Gawa: cut the bullshit billie-gawa cut me-when you dont like something, speak up ab it, if youre not comfortable, speak up ab it cuz one day, no one is gonna be there to save you-he said before he and prince walked away. I sighed and just kept walking towards my class

Teacher: billie, can we try?-i heard the teacher say

Bil: uhm? Try what?-i asked, i wasnt paying attention to the class at all

Teacher: you-before she could finish the bell ring making me release a sigh in relief-more attention billie-she said as i walked past her desk towards the door

Bil: im sorry-i said opening the door and leaving, once again, receiving looks and whispers, wich i just ignored

Joe: those ocean eyesss-joe sang, or at least tried but that was- wait a damn minute

Bil: what did you just say?-i said turning around

Joe: what? You thought i was gonna tell you your voice is pretty? God-he laughed-its horrible-he laughed more

Fucking brandon. Why tf did i send it to him. Damnit

I walked away starting to look for brandon but i couldnt find him but since i found prince and gawa

Bil: wheres brandon?-i asked them

Prince: why would we know billie?-he asked annoyed

Bil: what class do you have next?

Gawa: comunication-i nodded going back to the classroom i just got out and waiting for the bell to ring, when it did, i continued there till i saw brandon and his friends approaching. I walked towards brandon and immediatelly slapped his face making everyone look at me surprised, even brandon

Bil: fuck you asshole, never, EVER, even try to talk to me again in your life or i swear to the lord im gonna make chopped meat w your dick-i said in my tippy toes so i could be in his face. I then pushed him away getting out of the circle that-once again-was formed

As i was walking outside of the school, i felt someone grab me by my arm making me turn around and see brandon

Bil: ion think you need your dick cuz-

Brandon: what happened? What are you so mad ab?

Bil: im mad cuz i fcking asked you one simple thing!-i said getting my arm out of his grip-not to talk ab ocean eyes, and what do you do? YOU FCKING TELL YOUR FRIENDS-i screamed

Brandon: i didnt tell my friends, i mean i told issac and eli, i- damnit twins-he said

Bil: youre a fcking asshole, leave me alone and dont you ever, EVER, talk to me again-i said turning around and leaving, as i heard him scream my name a couple times

A/n: hiii

Sorry this is coming soooo late, i was just having a lot of shit to do in school so i didnt have any time to write but, i've decided that im gonna post every sunday and tuesday so yeah💀 see you on tuesday


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