moral of the story²¹

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3rd person pov:

Bil: what?-she whispered back

Brandon: they know-he said starting to say what they said

Bil: fck man-she said once he finished

Brandon: maybe its better if we just tell them

Bil: but what if they-

Brandon: i'll be there, 24/7-he said before hearing billies sigh as she got out of the spot she was

Bil: im thrusting on you que-she said fixing her hair as brandon looked at her through the mirror

Brandon: and i wont let you down-he smiled-cmon-both of them got out of the car seeing everyones shocked face

Prince: what the actual fck!-prince said making billie sigh before starting to tell them everything

Bil: and i am sorry that i didnt have the courage to tell you guys or anyone else but believe me, its harder when you go through it-she finished expecting someone to say something but everyone just kept looking at her and brandon

Zoe: you are a stupid mf btch, and i hope you two burn in hell right by the devils side!-zoe screamed making almost everyone jump. But once everyone looked at her, they could all see the tears running down her face-youre such an idiot-she whispered hugging billie as everyone else joined the hug

Drew: we missed you-drew said once they pulled out

Gawa: so what happens now?

Denzel: now we gotta find a way to help her

Zoe: why dont we just go to the police?

Brandon: patrick is a respected cop, plus, its not like the other cops didnt know ab it, some of them helped

Prince: what ab our parents?

Jah: idk man, they could think that we're just lying to find a reason for billie to get out of her parents house, plus, my mom and dad didnt even believed when i told them ab this possibility

Bil: yeah too risky

Drew: school?

Gawa: guys, theres nothing we can do without the authorities help and billies dad is part of the authorities

Denzel: gawa is right, anything we do, is way too risky

Zoe: yeah and plus, the cops can always pretend that everything is solved but billie is just actually back home

Brandon: what if we just breath rn? Spring break is in a week, why dont we go in a car trip to ny, yall can meet my friends from there, and once we come back we decide something, plus, its time for billie to enjoy life a lil bit-he smiled looking down at billie who smiled at him too

Prince: i mean, im in-prince said and everyone else agreed

Jah: and what do we do in this week, like, should we just keep doing what was happening before we found out

Bil: ig so-billie looked at brandon looking for some kind of approval wich she received once she saw him nod his head

Drew: or we could divide, we havent seen billie in so long, maybe she could stay a few days in everyones house if thats okay to yall-drew said and everyone nodded

Gawa: yeah that sounds good to me

Brandon: isnt that too risky, like being around from house to house-

Bil: seven-billie cut him-i'll be fine-she assured him

Denzel: you can start w our house if you want-denzel proposed seeing billie nod

Bil: yeah thats fine for me

Zoe: can i be next?

Bil: sure

Prince: then me

Drew: then me-drew said faster than brandon making hin playfully roll his eyes

Brandon: guess i'll be the last one

Jah: okay, lets go, bye guys see yall-jah waved starting to walk towards his car w Denzel following

Brandon: cmon, lets get your stuff-they all waved at each other before billie and brandon walked back to his car so billie could get her things-not forgetting anything?

Bil: nop, thats all i have-billie said closing the car door and giving brandon a smile starting to walk towards jahs car

Brandon: billie!-brandon screamed making her stop in her tracks and turn around-call me if you need anything okay?

Bil: what are you-before she could finish, she felt brandons arms around her-i'll be fine que, im not going to another country-she pushed him away turning back around and walking towards jahs car

The car ride w denzel and jah was nice, they talked but mostly sang. Once they got in the house, jah distracted their parents while denzel got billie upstairs into jahs bedroom

Jah: okay-jah said coming inside the room-denzel, go for your run, i'll stay w billie-denzel got out of the bedroom. Jah and denzel always go for a run after school-and you-he turned to billie-you can take a shower if you want-he pointed to the bathroom

Bil: yeah, that sounds nice-billie went to the bathroom and did all of her hygiene stuff, once she came out, she saw jah sitting in bed putting on his shoes-youre going out?

Jah: yeah but only when denzel comes back, dont worry-jah smiled

Bil: why did you do everything you did for me? I thought you hated me

Jah: ion hate you, i could never hate you-billie nodded-but, those are old waters, lets forget ab that-they started to talk ab other things till denzel arrived and took his shower, jah went for his run while denzel and billie ate dinner

Bil: didnt your mom find it weird you coming w two plates upstairs?-billie asked when she finished the pumpkin soup

Denzel: no-he chuckled-normally i do eat twice-he said making billie laugh

Bil: what? But in like, separate plates and everything?-she laughed seeing him nod-omg!

Denzel: but!-he put his finger up-its only bc i have a metabolism problem so i have to eat a lot, otherwise i would be like, anorexic, but im not gonna lie its also bc i like eating-he rolled his eyes and the two of them started to laugh again.

A/n: i look ugly, its cold, im hungry and school starts tomorrow, i hate it here😭

my angelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon