chapter twenty-four

Bắt đầu từ đầu

     "Do you really want to know?" He asked and Phoenix nodded. It was more curiosity than anything else, "I realised that I can't fight what the Force wants. It sings when we are together even if you can't feel it. I should love you. It can't be against the Order's rules if the Force is this happy with me. Then I got your father's approval so why would I ever hide my love from you again?" He asked as he looked down at her. The admission made her cheeks flush red and heat up. Her head bowing as she chuckled softly. She couldn't believe he had actually said that to her. It was strange, it made her feel giddy and like a teenager all over again, "Now, breakfast is ready. Do you want to sit on the porch?" He asked as he walked over to the stove. He dished out the meal between two plates before he added cutlery and picked them up.

     "Sure," Phoenix said as she stood up. She grabbed them two glasses of water before the two exited the kitchen. Sitting down on the porch bench as they watched the sky. Talking quietly and eating their food. The previous findings being lost in their own happiness as they let the content moment fill their thoughts. Nothing could ruin that moment and Phoenix wanted nothing more than to stay in it forever.


     When Phoenix woke up the next day, it was like the anger had returned full force and with a vengeance. She had been fine the previous night, rational even. She knew that she couldn't go for him and confront Jax but she woke up with that burning rage. It had been on her mind all night and she just couldn't escape it. Couldn't escape of it. Not even in her dreams could she escape it. It was eating her up inside and it was clawing at her skin.

     She got up out of bed and walked towards the 'fresher, she needed a shower or maybe a bath. She just hoped that it would help her feel a bit better. Make her feel less angry. She needed to be calm or she would go after Jax. She would do something that she knew she shouldn't. She was a Senator, she had to be regal. She had to be good. Her reputation would be ruined if she was found to have punched her ex-fiance.

     So as she got into the bath, she tried to let the smell of the lavender and the calm of the room seep into her skin. But it wasn't working. Somehow she just felt more and more frustrated. The water was making her feel too hot, suffocated. It was getting stuffy and she needed to get out. She didn't even let herself wash before she stepped out of the bath. Wrapping a towel around her and opening the bathroom window.

     "Phoenix?" A voice called and she glanced at the door. The voice was only Obi-Wan but she didn't want him to come in so she quickly kicked the doorstop in front of the door hoping it would stop him from attempting anything. She just wanted to be alone for the moment and calm down.

     "What?" She called as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. She rubbed the water off her skin and tried to make her cheeks less red. But somehow only made them worse. She was angry, flushed and felt suffocated. Now was not the time for him to come and be his usual good, caring self.

     "Your father wants to speak to you," He called and Phoenix sighed. She made a quick curt response of 'okay' before she then continued to dry herself down. She was not in the mood to deal with her father or Obi-Wan right now. She needed to calm down and that meant either a run or maybe just sitting on the back porch with a book. Surely that would stop her from feeling like she wanted to rip someone's guts out. The anger had never been this bad before. It was consuming her, making her want to scream and kick. It was something that she wasn't even aware she could feel.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ