chapter 2: training with the sin of pride Escanor.

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The next day naruto woke up in a place he was unfamiliar with since the last thing he remembered was escaping the villagers shinobi and another one of there 'fox hunt' rallies.

After that he remembered coming across 7 unique weapons and meeting 7 people who owned them.

Naruto then sat up and said.

"WOW... it feels like I just had the craziest dream that I had 7 powerful abilities that aren't normal. Was it all just a dream I wonder???. One way to find out."

Naruto then pinched himself and said.

"OUCH!!!. Okay yeah... it's official. that wasn't a dream. It was real and that actually happened."

Escanor then walked in carrying his Axe and said.

"Ahahaha!!!. Of course it wasn't a dream young man. My name is Escanor. Former sin of pride at your service. Before we begin our training in my magic abilities may I know your name."

And naruto said.

"My name is Naruto.. naruto uzumaki.
Isn't that Axe heavy Escanor sensei???. I noticed that it's awfully huge so how can you carry it???."

And Escanor said.

"Well my young friend that's just one of my abilities. While exposed to sunlight I can increase my muscles strength to lift things as heavy as my Axe and even use my Axe to set it's blade on fire with my ability called sunshine.

Which I shall explain more about once your training begins. Follow me please. We have much work to do."

Naruto and Escanor then went outside where the sun had risen high about the forests of the hidden leaf village as naruto could somehow feel the powers of the Lion sin of pride coursing through him.

Naruto then said.

"WOW!!!. That sunlight feels so intense. Almost as if it's making me stronger. Is this what you were talking about???."

And Escanor said.

"Yes it is. Now I want you to focus on that power flowing through your body and speak the word sunshine.
This will increase the size of your muscles and strength."

Naruto then raised his hand to the sky and did as Escanor said. The next thing he knew his entire body grew to the height and body build of the fourth raikage!!!.

Naruto then said.

"WOW!!!. This is incredible!!!. What else can I do with your sins power sensei???. What else can I do???."

Seeing the excitement to learn more about his sin of pride Escanor continued to show naruto more of his powers as he held up his pointer finger and formed a miniature sun on his finger tip.

Escanor then said.

"Using sunshines power you can focus it throughout your entire body. That power can make you stronger yes.
But as your seeing right now it's also got many offensive abilities. For example. This is another ability it's got. This spell is called cruel sun.

You can form a ball of fire and energy the size of a mountain or the entire planet earth itself. The only downside to this is that the more powerful the attack the More magic you use up.

It's a double edged sword that should only be a last resort and not for showing off. There's one more thing you should know about my sin of pride and that is that it's got a time limit of about 12 hours.

Once the sun goes down your completely vulnerable and at a disadvantage. So use it wisely.
Now watch this and do exactly as I do."

Escanor then forms a mid sized Ball of fire in his hand and threw it like a baseball at the tree and set it ablaze.

Naruto Uzumaki:Sage Of the 7 sins. (naruto x 7deadly sins crossover)Where stories live. Discover now