how they text!

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how they text is about through phone # only! my next one will be how they snap!(snapchat)


-spelling errors

-uses 😭😱😂 unironically

-favorite emoji: 😇

-capitalizes the beginning of sentences because he doesn't know how to turn auto caps off

- "Killua what is sus?"


-good spelling but doesn't use punctuation

-uses 🥶 on a regular basis

-favorite emoji: 😎

-also capitalizes sentences

-"Gon where is kurapika"


-no spelling errors but doesn't know the difference between your and you're

-uses email instead of social media

-uses 🤑 and 😎 wayyy too much

-favorite emoji:  🤑

-capitalizes sentences and uses punctuation

"Kurapika, do you know where my wallet went?😓?


-perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation

-doesn't use emojis unless he's in a good mood or is talking to a close friend/so

-favorite emoji: 😌

-doesn't capitalize sentences

-"i'm headed to the grocery store, do you need anything?💖"


-perfect spelling and grammar, but doesn't use punctuation a lot

-instead of using emojis hisoka uses the keyboard faces:( :) :0 :/ and so on

-favorite emoji: 🃏(shocker)

-doesn't capitalize sentences unless he trying to be formal

-"y/n where did you last see my eyeliner?:)"


we'll never know because he wont text you back

(im only joking, here)

-great spelling, grammar, and punctuation(he puts periods at the end of EVERYTHING)

-doesn't use emojis

-doesn't capitalize sentences

-"where r you."


-spelling errors, some punctuation, bad grammar(can you blame him, Chinese is his first language)

-overuses 😶😒😳

-favorite emoji: 🙃

-doesn't capitalize sentences

-"what are you doing"


-great everything, very formal texter

-also doesn't use emojis

-capitalizes sentences

-"y/n I'm with the troupe right now; I will try to respond later, alright?"

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