killua oneshot(short)

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Killua oneshot
(real world au because i don't feel like adding his family into this oneshot)
Killua was your best friend of 3 years, and you were his. The problem was that over the years you began to develop a crush on him. One day he invited you over to his house to teach you how to skateboard…

It was a lukewarm saturday morning. The temperature was not hot, not cold, but it sat just right on your s/c skin. The sun shone through the cloudless, pink sky. ‘What a nice day.’ 

You decided to walk to his house since it wasn't terribly far away. You grabbed the skateboard Killua had given to you for christmas, a black hair tie, your earbuds, and your phone of course. You flew out of your room, out of your house, and made your way past the long, gravel driveway before you hit the main road. You followed the side of the paved road with your head down, staring at your white high top converse. Stride by stride, your excitement built. You’ve wanted to spend time with Killua but he was always busy, and you always wanted to learn how to skateboard so it was absolutely perfect. After walking for about a mile or so, you arrived at his house. You have been there many times before so when you saw the off-white paneled house, and the white-haired boy outside of it, you knew you were in the right place. 

“Hey, Killua!” You ran up to your best friend with one hand casually holding your skateboard, and the other swinging at your side. He looked up and his bright blue eyes widened in excitement.

 “Y/n! I haven't seen you in forever, what the hell!” He threw his hand up forcefully for a high five and you slapped down on it with a childish grin on your face.

“I saw you yesterday dumbass.” You rolled your eyes and brought him into a tight hug before he pushed you away with an annoyed grin on his face. His hands drove to the back of his head, sitting in a relaxed position. He looked you up and down, his eyes scouring every inch of your body.

“Uhh- have you ever been skateboarding before y/n?” He questioned, almost in a mocking tone.

“No...why?” The whole point of him teaching you was because you didn't know how- and to spend time with him but you brushed that thought off.He walked closer to you and pointed at your knee caps. ‘What the fuck…’

“You might want to bring pads to protect those beautiful kneecaps of yours-” He exclaimed in a sarcastic tone and held his hand up pointing to the small, 1 car garage. “I’ve actually got some extras in there so i’ll be right back!” Without staying for your response, the white haired boy casually jogged to the front of his house, opening the garage door and rummaging through the piles of equipment. You decided to just have a seat on the concrete driveway and stare at the bright sun that was waiting to make an appearance. Several sparrows flew around the tall maple trees that stood tall in front of the eggnog colored house. 

Soon enough, he came running back out, his body growing in proportion as he got closer. Once he reached a couple of feet away from you, he threw a pair of kneepads and a helmet your way. He turned around and bent down, grabbing his skateboard in one hand and his water bottle in the other.
“Well, should we get started?” He nodded your direction as you sat up and grabbed your own skateboard.

“Ready when you are.”

After a couple of hours, you had started to get the hang of it. Killua kept repeating that the secret was balance, but not to overthink it. 

“Killua, how are you so good at this-” You wanted to know how your best friend was actually better than you at something.

“I dont know y/n, why are you so clumsy?”

“Oh shut it-” A frivolous grin lit your face and you grabbed his shirt, pulling him in tightly, and you ruffled his messy white hair so it sat in a cute fluffed nest. He stood in your embrace for a couple of long seconds, not letting go, and his eyes just burning into yours. You felt a cold force take your hands as Killua grabbed your wrists. Your face flushed a bright red and you begin to open your mouth before he interrupted you-

“Now let’s work on that balance y/n” He smiled playfully, still holding your hands, as he slipped the skateboard under you. You cautiously leaned on to the skateboard, foot by foot, before you started to feel uneasy. You grasped into Killuas arms and looked up to him, his face just inches from yours. “Don’t worry so much, I'm here.” He let out a smirk and looked at your feet as his pale face was overtaken by pink clouds.

hunter x hunter headcanons and oneshots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora