Chapter 14

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Leah stopped by on her way to get Seth from the Residence. She knocked on the door and it was answered by Levi.

He smiled, "You know, you can just walk in. It's not like you're uninvited."

She smiled weakly and walked in, accepting the unnecessary invite. Charlie smiled at her, "Hi, Leah!"

She walked over, pep in her step as she saw Seth's sister. Charlie was almost Seth's age now. Less than a month and she would be fifteen. It was sad that bit of childhood was leaving so soon, but she was ready for it.

Cooper waddled over and laid down at Leah's feet, snoring as he instantly fell asleep. For a bear, he was quite lazy.

Charlie huffed, "Cooper, why are you till asleep?"

He mumbled, still technically asleep, "Because I'm tired. Lemme alone, Char."

She rolled her eyes and pushed the familiar, trying to roll him to his feet, but he wouldn't budge. She sighed and looked at Leah, "Sorry..."

Leah shook her head, bending down to the bear and scratching his head. "Just a big baby, aren't you," Leah asked.

Cooper grumbled, "Yeah, something like that..." His tiny tail wagged and he let her continue scratching him.

"What's up, Leah?" Seth asked.

The other witches were in the room as well, but Eileen was digging in a grimoire. Mariah and Celene were watching Althea, who smiled when she saw Leah.

She waved adorably and Leah waved by, but she was a little awkward with it. She spoke, "We gotta get to the Rez for tonight's meeting."

Seth spoke, "Oh, yeah! Can I bring Charlie?"

Leah shrugged, "I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to... Jake's bringing Bella."

Seth smiled, "Really? Cool! Charlie, do you wanna come?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I can bring Cooper right?"

"Course, they love him down there," Leah said, rolling her eyes at that last part.

Cooper mumbled, "Course they do. It's me."

Charlie rolled her eyes and started petting the large creature, "Come on, you little beast."

Leah then looked at the witches, "Billy said you guys are more than welcome to come. They've been wanting to finally meet the witches and, well, here you are."

Mariah nodded, "Sounds like a plan. We need to get Eileen out of the house anyway, she's had her nose stuck in the grimoire's just like Jasper. She thinks since she's Y/N's right hand, she can't stop til she finds her."

Althea got off of Celene's lap and started walking away in the direction of Jasper's room. They watched her for a moment to see where she was going, when they figured it out, they let her be.

She opened the door after jiggling the knob for a while, making her way inside the room. "Daddy?" She asked.

Jasper looked around, smiling softly at her. He finally looked away from the grimoire, rubbing his eyes because of the strain he had put on them for reading the magical text for so long.

"Yes, sugar?"

She walked over and sat in his lap, "Are you okay?"

"Yep, just lookin' for Mama," he told her gently, rubbing her back. "What's wrong?"

She shrugged, "I just miss her. When will she stop pwaying Hide and Seek?"

"When we find her," Jasper said.

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