Jaune Arc Marshall, husband, politician

Start from the beginning

"I am death, the shatter of worlds."

Then after saying this he broke down on the bridge and screamed at the tip of his lungs before banging his fist on the metal floor of the bridge. "YOU MANIACS ! YOU BLEW UP ! DAMN YOU ! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL !"

After the nuclear fires had died down the galaxy came together in order to save as many surviving humans of the nuclear holocaust that they brought upon themselves. By october 30th 2077 only 25 percent of what was left of humanity on earth could be saved and by October 31st 2077 all search and rescue operations were called off in order to save what was left of humanity.

To say that the event left an impact on the Marshall would be an understatement, for in november 4th 2077 an aid walk in in the Marshall attempting to commit suicide by shooting himself with his service pistol. After being tackled and subdued by his staff, the Marshall was  given a full psychological evaluation from which it was determined that the Marshall was suffering from not only PTSD but also suffering from severe trauma, with this revelation it was decided that the Marshall would be admitted to a medical hospital for full recovery.

Finding love threw healing

On november 7th 2077 Marshall. Arc was admitted to the medical institute of advance health and medicine to be given the best treatment that is available.

For a time the treatments went slow at first but as time went on the treatments started to take effect which could be attributed to Marshall. Arc falling in love with his nurse, a polar named Svetlana Milunovich Bear.

( photo of Svetlana 6 months with child courtesy of Arc family)

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( photo of Svetlana 6 months with child courtesy of Arc family)

Love did indeed bloom as tha ks to his future wife Svetlana, Marshall. Arc would date Svetlana for a year before on 2078 he would finally ask her to be his mate for life, she would say yes, the wedding was held at the winter palace and broadcasted all over Moskovia and the slavic union it was a spectacular event with even a fly by, by the moskovian air force.

Marshall. Arc would continue to serve the mother planet for another two years till on 2080 his first born child would come, his rare hybrid daughter Marsha Putin Arc Bear would be born at 1900, october 21st 2080 at the Moskovian central hospital to two very over joyed parents and a very happy grandmother.

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Jaune Arc Of the Peoples Republic of MoskoviaWhere stories live. Discover now