Meeting of Revelations

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During the preparations for the coming operation to destroy, nor defeat, but destroy the SDC and the kill or capture of jacque schnee it was deemed necessary that a central command was needed, as such the coalition military leadership was moved to the heart of moskovia in the capital, among them was general ironwood of Atlas who in time became close to the chairman as both respected each other as seasoned veteran warriors and Patriots of their own homelands.

However on this day an u expected visit would bring to the forefront many secrets and test the trust of the chairman.

On friday of 2091 the headmaster of beacon along with his assistant and vice head mistress glynda goodwitch had made their way to Moskovias capital in Hope's of convincing the chairman to try and give peace a try, hoping they could make their former student to try find a peaceful resolution to bring an end to this bloody war, oh how naive they were to think that one could talk down a mother bear after someone has hurt her Cubs.

The transcript your about to see is a recording from the meeting between Ozpin, Glynda GoodWitch, General James Ironwood, And Chairman Jaune Putin.

[Recording begins]

[Ironwood is heard speaking with concern]

[Ironwood] - Jaune I know you think this is stupid and believe me after spending time in your nation and learning your peoples culture and their ways I can agree that even the thought of peace with the SDC is wholly out of the question...but all I ask is you at least humor Ozpin. He was your former headmaster.

[CJP] - very well James I shall. However their are some "concerns" I wish to bring up with him and you as well.

[Ironwood] - i...I understand Jaune.

[The sound of doors opening and closing is heard followed by two sets of feet walking into the room.]

[Ozpin] - Good day to you Mister Chariman.

[Glynda] - good to see you again mister Chairman

[CJP] - Privet to you as well headmaster Ozpin, headmistress Goodwitch.

[The sound of chairs being moved is heard as both visitors sit down]

[Ozpin] - now the reason for our visit is two peices of business, the first is the formation of a huntsman academy ?

[CJP] - Well we do have plans but we wont call it a "Huntsman" academy as moskovian culture is a warrior culture, so our version of huntsman will be known as "Warriors" to honor those of the past who fought in the early years of moskovias history when we were just tribes of warriors fighting to keep their people feed and warm.

[Ozpin] - I understand Mister Chairman. Now the 2nd piece of business is concerning the war with the Schnee Dust Company and if you could consider a peaceful option to avoid more bloodshed.

[CJP] - Nyet.

[Both Glynda and Ozpin] - Nyet ?

[CJP] - No, the bastards hurt our motherland, they have woken and enraged mother moskovia by hurting her Cubs, my people Ozpin and when that first bomb feel on Vladivostok and killed my people...the cykas signed their death warrant.

[Glynda] - Jaune surely you dont mean that ? War is not the best option here...their has to be other ways to resolve this without bloodshed and loss of life.

[CJP] - Miss Goodwitch, I lost family at Vladivostok. I lost MY BLOOD from that attack on MY NATION ! So the option for peace will never happen, is never gonna happen until that white haired bastard is either behind bars OR DEAD DANCING THE HANGMANS JIG ! So with all due respect to you and Ozpin for what you did for me back at beacon I ask you to put yourselves in my shoes, in my peoples shoes. Imagine knowing that you lost people you knew and loved, people who were your family that were killed because that bastard jacque saw them as animals. When you know that feeling then come back to me and try and claim their is a peaceful solution !

Jaune Arc Of the Peoples Republic of MoskoviaWhere stories live. Discover now