Don't Forget 2020

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2020 is the year the world change

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2020 is the year the world change. We are now living in the New Normal.

2020 is not the most wonderful year the way we expected. But it teaches us a lot of learning lessons.

REMEMBER this is the year...

When we start to literally learn living within our means.

When we actually learn the value of our health.

When we appreciate the Doctors, Nurses, and other healthcare workers even more.

When we learn the true meaning of discipline.

When we start staying home.

 When there's no traffic and hardly anyone in the street.

When toilet paper is the new gold.

When we don't drink alcohol instead you use it to sanitize.

When disposable gloves are the new mitts.

When Face Mask is the new fashion trend.

When we don't care much about our hairstyle.

When we started to utilize the metric system (For Social Distancing)

When canned goods are the new gourmet.

When socialization stops.

When we finally have more quality time with our families.

When money can't really buy happiness.

When all we have is Family.

When Corona Virus is the new Art.

When we call the people who jeopardize their own health to help a HERO.

When the world stop and went back to basic.

When the Earth can now breathe.

2020 is the beginning of a new era where we will start to be more caring, more cautious

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2020 is the beginning of a new era where we will start to be more caring, more cautious. It is the year where we will start to heal in general.

And so we will welcome the new year 2021 and we should not just hope for the best but we should not forget when we do something that is not supposed to, the effect will be beyond our imagination. 

RESPECT is the key to everything. Respect the Earth, Nature, Animals, and Fellow Human beings. COVID-19 Maybe far from over, it will take a while for us to recover from the virus, from the economic crisis, and so on and so forth. Let's all be wise.

To our future generations, this is for you

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To our future generations, this is for you. Don't forget the lesson learned.

**Video credit to the owner** Elsie May Sese セセ Heal The World Michael Jackson

**Video credit to the owner** Elsie May Sese セセ Heal The World Michael Jackson

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** Photos and GIF credit to the owner**

The 2020 World Paused. Copyright © November 2020. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author.

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