chapter three

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They both go to the park and they see two of their classmates. It's hajime and chiaki. It looks like they are really having fun! Chiaki looks away from hajime and looks at nagito and mikan and walks up to them.
Chiaki: wow what a surprise. I didn't expect you two here
Nagito: same goes for us.
Chiaki: so what are you two doing?
Nagito: nothing much. We just wanted to hang out
Chiaki: oh cool. Well anyways I have to continue on with my date
Nagito: ok, I hope it goes well
Chiaki: bye
Nagito then looks at Mikan and asks: so since we are here, how about we talk about something
Mikan: ok....
Nagito: you can choose a topic. I don't care which one. As long as it brings us hope
Mikan: um..well how
Nagito: wow Mikan, that really is a hopeful topic but why love?
Nagito:yes? Um...
Mikan: so you wanna talk about it?
Nagito: why not. It kinda has a hopeful ring to it. Almost like that one time where my parents helped me. I was stuck in a vent when I was in primary school. Don't ask, please
Mikan looked at nagito with a worried face and said: well....oh..ok
Mikan: you like...someone?
Nagito: well I love hope, obviously but when it comes to an person...I kinda do have a crush. But my first crush was hajime....
He glanced at hajime and Chiaki once again.
Nagito: but...heh...he just thinks I'm a freak who is obsessed with hope...
Mikan: nagito...
Nagito: anyways Mikan, since you've asked me, how about you?
Mikan: um...well I had a crush on junko once..i even did something i Really regret doing. But then i finally realized what TRUE love is about and stopped liking her. The love she gave me was all just fake and nothing more but despair.
Nagito: wow. Such despair...but what happened afterwards? Did you finally believe in hope again?
Mikan: of course! I started to work my way to being more confident and not let myself get bullied. But I can't help my clumsiness so I still need to work on that....hehehe
Nagito was really surprised about what he heard but he couldn't help but smile.
Nagito: wow Mikan, that really IS a hopeful way to move forward to the society. I'm quite impressed
Mikan: oh....r-really...thank you
Nagito: no need to thank me
Nagito: so's kinda getting late and I don't wanna bother hajime and chiaki's date so do you wanna go home?
Mikan looks at her wrist watch and looks back at nagito.
Mikan: yea, your right I should get going.
Nagito: ok then. See you at school! It was nice hanging out with you
Mikan: Yea it was. We should do this more often. Now see you!

(That conversation was alittle awakward, ngl)

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