chapter 9

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(I don't remember anything so let's just say that she'll go to school TvT)

Mikan's alarm clock rung and she woke up. She got herself ready for school though she didn't feel like eating. She walked to school alone. She arrived at the school walking towards ibuki.
Mikan: h-hey ibuki...
Ibuki: hey girl, what's up?
Mikan: nothing much...i'm just upset
Ibuki: why is that? What happened? Did Nagito break up with you? I'LL TELL AKANE TO BEAT HIS BUM IF THAT'S THE CASE.
Mikan: yea he did break up with me.(also don't bring akane into this, please)
Ibuki: why did he break up with you?
Mikan: well we had a fight and yea...
Ibuki: I'm sorry. How about I write you a song after school, Sound good?
Mikan: no, thanks, ibuki. It's alright
Ibuki: Mikan, your my friend, there is no way I can't do anything to cheer you up
Mikan: hehe, fine...maybe we can go to a cafe together?
Ibuki: of course! I'll do anything for a friend in need
Mikan: thanks ibuki! Your the greatest friend in the world
Ibuki: I know
Mikan and ibuki went to class together. Normally when they were in classes together, nagito would glance at Mikan with a big smile most of the time but this time he didn't do that at all. Mikan thought that he was still upset about the whole thing and Mikan really wanted to cheer him up since she still loves him but there isn't the right chance. After classes Mikan and ibuki walk home together.
Mikan: ok, see you at the cafe!
Ibuki: see ya!
Mikan went home. Then all of a sudden all of these questions came to her mind: "what is love in the first place?", "will I and Nagito get back together?", "will I be with someone new?"
Mikan thought. Mikan came to a decision to go ask Chiaki for help after her meeting with ibuki at the cafe. Mikan and ibuki where at the cafe. Mikan really had so much fun with ibuki that she almost forgot about her troubles. Mikan told all her troubles to ibuki and she somehow made it better.
"She can really be magical sometimes", Mikan thought. After that she texted Chiaki.

Mikan: hey, Chiaki. Do you perhaps have time for me? I have something really important to tell you regarding Nagito and other things. Could you help me?

Chiaki: sure, mikan. You can come over if you'd like

Mikan: alright

Mikan went over to Chiaki's house. There was usami as well.
Chiaki: so what's the problem with Nagito?
Mikan: well we got into a fight and we broke up. I really want to talk to him but I don't know how I should make it up to him.
Chiaki: yea, I can help with that
Usami: of course! I can be really helpful when it comes to love
Mikan: ok well what should I do?

(Sorry for ending it there but I am busy so sry)

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