chapter 6

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Mikan was really upset to hear about the News and was really heart broken. She had no motivation to do anything. She just thought to herself: *if only i was there to help her...* she kept thinking to herself. She didn't eat at all that day But she didn't lose hope. There was still a chance her mom can survive. Mikan calmed herself down.

Nagito's pov.
Nagito sat on his Sofa and was bored for the rest of the day. Time really flies by. It already was late. He fell asleep. He woke up. He heard his phone ring and picked it up.
Nagito: hello?
It was Mikan.
Mikan: h-hey..
Nagito: what's wrong, Mikan?
Mikan: I have to tell you something about the date we planned for today....
Nagito: yes?
Mikan: I don't think we can do it today because I really feel sad right now
Nagito: oh....well it's ok. Anyways why are you sad?
Mikan: well my dad called me on the phone yesterday and he told me some bad news....he said that my mother is in a coma...
Nagito: do you wan't me to come over?
Mikan: s-sure...
Nagito: ok, see you then.

He came over to Mikan's house and mikan opened the door.
Mikan: hey...come in
Nagito: ...
Mikan really looked like as if she had cried herself to sleep. Nagito felt bad for her. He looked at Mikan the whole time and eventually Mikan started to cry. Nagito was trying to comfort her by hugging mikan.
Nagito:it's okay long as you believe in hope then there is no reason to cry
Mikan: but I'm not as lucky as you. Why do you think that hope can save me anyways...
Nagito: luck isn't more powerful than hope, you know. Hope is more of a expectation. And you expect your mom to get better, right?
Nagito: well that's the meaning of hope so as long as you have that then everything will be fine. What recommend is atleast to visit her or atleast call your dad to get more info on your mom. And I bet that she would probably think of you as caring and supportive. Hehe....
Mikan: wow, nagito...thank you so much. That really helped me.
Nagito:oh, well um...I'm really glad to hear that.
Mikan: I was thinking.. maybe we should just start our date today
Nagito: oh, well ok. What time?
( I'm not American so I'm not sure what time is most fitting for a date so you can decide)

Mikan: I was thinking of >______<
Nagito: cool, see you then.

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