Chapter 3 The Angry Driver

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          "Why are you driving miss?" he yelled still very vexed with his eyebrow knitted. Es now had no idea what to say in reply. "This is exactly why women shouldn't be out on the streets driving. You nearly road be off the road!" His voice was very loud, and he shouted at Es. She was opening her mouth about to reply when the door to the carriage which the angry driver had been driving, opened, and a younger gentleman stepped out.

          "Lewis," said the young man who was wearing a long coat and grey top hat. "What in heaven's name is going on?"

          "I'm sorry sir," said the driver who looked older than the young passenger. "This young girl nearly road me off the road." He nodded his head toward Es as he said this. His manners were truly quite rude. Es did not like being called "This young girl" for she had just turned 16 last month. The young passenger was about to say something when Mrs. Billing came out of hiding.

          "Why Andrew Pearson!" she said with a shout.

          "Mrs. Billing!" He walked up to the carriage and took off his hat with his gloved hand. Mrs. Billing reached her hand out of the carriage and he took it in his own.

          "What are you doing in town? I thought you were off to college?" She said gleaming.

          "I was mam!" He said as he let go of her hand and showed his pearly teeth with a wide grin.

           "I got back yesterday."

          "No!" She said as she gripped the side of the carriage with both of her gloved hands.

          "Yes, yes I did."

          "Well, we are so happy you are back in town. So much has happened since you left. Did you know that John and Abigale got married?"

          "Yes, I did hear that. They have a baby now too?"

          "Yes, she is still so tiny. We really have missed seeing you these that few years. You did visit once a few years ago. Didn't you?"

           "Yes, I came for Christmas once but was not able to stay but a few days," was Andrew's polite reply.

          "Well, you have got to come for dinner sometime soon!"

          "Yes," he laughed. "Definitely!" All three of the Billings girls were watching the conversation. And reader, you must know that John is the oldest Billing child. He recently married early last year and now has a daughter. Kitty and Esther still sat on the driver bench. Kitty had her left arm on the back of the seat while Es still held the reins in her hands.

          Reader, we shall now take a break from the lively conversation between Mrs. Billings and young Andrew Pearson and talk a little about the 18-year-old girl that still sat in the carriage looking over her mother's shoulder. Yes, Priscilla. As soon as the carriage door had opened Priscilla's heart skipped a beat and for a few seconds, she did not breathe. There stood the boy (now a man) that she had very much liked for most of her teen years. He had been away at college for four long years in which Priscilla had told herself that she did not like him. After four years of not seeing him, she was certain that all thoughts of him were gone and out of her mind. It stayed that way till she saw him step out of the carriage. Ever thought rushed back improved. She had forgotten how very tall and handsome he was. He was even more handsome now at 22 than he was at 18 when he first left. His thick brown heir sat very gently combed on his head and his polished hat sat in his gloved hand. Andrew Pearson truly was a handsome man and known for it. He was not one to try and get attention from girls but believe me when I say they gave him plenty. Every girl in the town had liked him and swarmed him like buzzards. Most girls would make themselves look like fools flirting with him all the time. She though had never flirted with him in her life. Whether she had even spoken more than 10 words to him was debatable.

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