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"Felix loves you so much," Hyunjin said. "He... Well, because of Changbin and his stupid idea to act as I like you just to get the captain's place, I couldn't tell him that I like him. I told him that I like you, but at the party when we talked, you don't remember, but I told you that I like Felix. He started telling me something but before I realize what exactly, Felix came and told me that you have to go home because you're drunk. Of course, you weren't only drunk, you were a fucking mess, Chan!"

"Yeah, we had a huge fight after that night." He whispered. "He told me that he knows that you like me and then he came and told me that you actually like him. I was confused, but now as you're explaining it..." 

"Yeah, pretty strange!" Hyunjin laughed a bit. "I got rejected from him, he told me that you're together and I thought my whole life was a fucking mess again. I went to go to get drunk and I met Jisung." Hyunjin whispered. "And somehow I lead everything to him. I... He's not ready to be with someone, but I can wait forever if it's for him. I know that this sounds strange, but after all, I know him for three years now." He chuckled. "Yes, the first time we met it was a fucking disaster. I spilled my milkshake over his shirt. He hated me and avoided me. Then we had to work on a project and one day he just farted. He was embarrassed and he didn't want to see me for months. Then we sat on one chair. Like, he sat there and stood for a moment and I thought it wasn't taken, so I took it, but then he came back and he was like "What are you even thinking you're doing on my seat?", so I stood up from there and mumbled "sorry" before leaving. I avoided him after that because I was embarrassed." Hyunjin laughed. "Then I was out with Jennie and Lisa and a friend of them that they used to call Rano, and he saw Jisung and waved at him, asking him to come with us to the park, but Jisung said "Not if you're with Hyunjin." and I had nothing to do except to stop even trying to be friends with him. He didn't want to, so I didn't have to put the effort into it." Hyunjin said and looked at the boy from 'far away', now I just want to go back then and do everything differently.

"You need to know that he's not really..." Chan thought for a moment. "He's not into hiding it." 

"I know. I don't care anymore." Hyunjin's eyes filled with tears. "What I've always wanted was someone that would need my love and my attention," Hyunjin said. "When he came to the team because of you, I started hating you. I wanted him to go away from my life. It was so embarrassing every time we had to spend some time with each other. But then he became the one to do stupid things and I didn't even try to talk with him not even once." 

"Well, I see. You didn't hate me for being the captain, you hated me for making him be a part of this team." 

"You even chose him over me! I'm more athletic and I'm well trained and you..." Hyunjin started, but Chan laughed hard. "What?" 

"You're saying that you love that boy, but you're such a selfish man," Chan said and continued laughing. 

"What? Why?" 

"You literally were like... "I'm better than him", but trust me, you really are better than most of the guys down there. That's why I need you in my team, at least for this season." 

"Do you know why I'm in the team?" The blonde guy asked him fixing his hair. "I came here to be away from Jisung." 

"And now? You're in love with him now. The irony, man!" Chan started laughing even harder. "If you asked me a few days ago what the hell's going on between me and you, I would've just answered "Nothing I will just kill him," but now.... Now I'm here and you say so much about yourself and I realize what made you act like that, I realize what broke you that much and why are you such a person." Chan said and looked at the field. "Jeongin is literally choking him. I can't with these two." he stood from there, ready to go back on the field and start controlling the uncontrollable. 

"So are you with us for the end of the season?" Chan asked and Hyunjin shook his head. "Please?" 

"I'm done with this." 

Chan sighed. 

"Now as you like Jisung, don't you want to be near him?" Chan asked again, ready to hear his approval, but Hyunjin was sure. He wasn't doing it. The captain rolled his eyes. Plan B wasn't working. So, Plan C? 

Plan C was to talk with Jisung and ask him to do the work. Right now hearing all of this from Hyunjin, he wouldn't be able to say no to anything Jisung wants. And if he tries, Jisung was the cutest when he was doing a puppy face, so this was going to work. Or at least Chan was really hoping to work. He had no other ideas or options, he had to make Hyunjin finish the season somehow. 

"Let's go there, because... Are they really doing it? Look at San, he's almost like a fucking bottle in the game spin the bottle." Chan sighed. "Sometimes I think that I have to deal with children. They act cool when the coach is here and once he's not, this happens." 

"Sometimes I thought I was the mature one of them all, but sometimes I was doing the same. So I kinda understand you and, I kinda understand them." Hyunjin took his jacket again and followed Chan to the field. They got the Jisung run to Hyunjin. 

"Are you going to be here till the end?" He asked slowly rising on his toes. "Please!" 

"Yes, I will be here." Hyunjin smiled and caressed him. "Go there now, please!" 


For the rest of the practice, Hyunjin was watching them and after they were finally done, Chan came back to him. 

"Now I have to work out too because I was busy talking... But I just wanted you to know that it's... It's fine, just be good to him, okay?" 

Hyunjin nodded. "The best." He assured Chan and started walking away, getting nearer to the lockers room. When he entered, he saw Jisung on the bench, trying to put on a t-shirt. "Hey, little boy, you need some help?" He asked, coming closer. 

"I can, but I need help with walking because Chan literally thought that we were fucking robots." Jisung rolled his eyes. "I hope he will hear me." 

"I will tell him that you were tired. C'mon," he helped him get dressed and they both went out of there holding hands. Minho watched them going out with his hands into fists. 

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