part 2

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You couldn't sleep well last night, and fell asleep at 1 in the morning. You had to distract yourself and used your phone the whole night after you woke up from your nap. Taking a nap so late in the day didn't help. You were wide awake, but so tired at the same time.

Since you had nothing else to do, you tried calling and texting Yuna, but she was asleep.

I wonder who's gonna help me around the school. I know it's not Yuna because we're in different classes, but I hope someone good. Maybe someone I could be friends with. You thought to yourself right before falling asleep.

Now, you look at your alarm clock and it reads 6:38 am. You woke up with a sudden jolt and you don't know why. It's still dark out, but you don't  feel tired or want to sleep any more so you decide to get ready for the day.

I'm actually not going back to my old school. It's a school day but without the torment and anger of seeing the people at my old school who reminds me of what happened every single day. I'm so excited now, I'm not even scared anymore.

It might be the lack of sleep that's making you feel this way, but you don't care. You go to the bathroom and slowly do everything. Brush your teeth, use the toilet, wash your face, brush your hair, and put in your contacts. You wear glasses at home and usually at school, but you wanted to go in a different direction for the first day. You'll probably wear them tomorrow though, because it compliments your face shape well.

"Why are you awake so early? School starts in two hours." your sister, Emi, asks as she walks by your doorway, yawning.

"I'm not that tired. And you're awake too," you reply.

Emi isn't the nicest to you, but she always knows when and how to be there for you. She is one year older than you, really caring, and just the average student. She doesn't go to the same school as you anymore, but every day she say at least one person comments on how you're related. But she doesn't really think about other peoples' opinions so she decided to stay. You are most definitely brighter in the academic area. However, she is much better at making friends and just being around other people.

You walk to your closet to get your new uniform out. You LOVE it, because it's so much better than the past uniforms you've had. The vest, jacket, skirt, button-up shirt, bow, and tights. You also got your class indoor shoes, but they aren't anything different from your past schools'. You quickly put it on so you can start on your hair and makeup.

You decide to go with light makeup because you usually feel confident without it, and style your (hair color) hair in (preferred hair style). You look in your small desk mirror. Cute. I look presentable. I hope I leave a good impression on everyone.

You reflect on the first day of school times from the past few years of your life. They were always awful. You don't really know why, but all the girls gave you dirty looks and whispered about you to their friends while you walked past them, as all the loud and obnoxious boys either stared or tried to start a conversation. You always just wanted to get to class and make new friends. You hope it's different today.

You walk out to the kitchen. You are normally really hungry in the morning, but today you feel fine. You decide to eat a piece of toast and drink some tea though, because you're already lacking energy from no sleep, and you need to give your body something to run on. Your sister hasn't come out of the bathroom yet, and neither has any other family member. You sigh in content. You love being alone and being in quiet peacefulness. You finish up breakfast and go on your phone a bit. It's 7:32 am.

CRAP how is it already 7:30??? I've got to hurry. You quickly grab the bag you packed the night before, your lunch in the fridge, put on your shoes, and leave. You walk a few blocks and cross a few streets, since you lived near school and didn't need to take the train.

My personTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon