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"Someone called for you, Harry," Gemma calls from the hallway. "I think it was some news reporter wanting to talk with you."

Anne looks over her reading glasses at Gemma, setting down her work. "Another one called?"

"That'll be the third one this week," Des says, sipping his coffee. "Harry's a TV star now."

Harry swallows his oatmeal. "Really? Why does a news reporter want to talk to me?"

"Multiple news reporters," Anne corrects. "You're kind of a big deal! You were doing so, so well in competition that they want to know how you're doing now."

"You're the world's sweetheart," Gemma says dramatically, sitting down at the table.

"Well, I'm sitting here eating breakfast," Harry says, fiddling with his spoon. "Trying to pick myself up off the sidewalk--or, the ice, I should say."

"You should talk to them," Gemma says with her mouth full. "I think you have a good story to tell."

Harry sets his spoonful of oatmeal down in the bowl. What if he calls some of the news stations back? What's the worst thing that could happen?

Later, he asks his mum to dial the numbers and he speaks with the polite women on the other ends of the lines. When it's three in the afternoon, Harry has four interviews lined up for the following weeks. One with the Today Show in New York, one with CBC, and the others with lesser-known American news stations. The popular channels offered to pay for the plane fare, and Harry gladly accepted.


Harry and his whole family--including Marlee--are seated on a orange-tinted couch, being counted in by the camera man.

They all put smiles on for the cameras, answering the reporters' questions with gusto and interest. They never says one-worded answers, which was what they'd been reminded not to do before they'd gone on. Most of the questions are regarding Harry's fall, but some ask about his future plans and if his blindness is only temporary.

His future plans? Well, he would most want to try to return to the next Olympics--with or without eyes. And really perfect his jumps so that this incident isn't a reoccurring thing. Maybe he'll try ice dancing, with a partner.

"And have you found someone fit to be your partner?" Dwight Drummond--a host of CBC News--asks.

"I know I'd love to be your partner--if I could skate," Marivel Taruc says. She turns to Harry's parents. "Let me tell you, your son is just adorable."

Harry chuckles. "Thank you," he says. "But Marlee is my partner."

Marivel nods. "Oh? Have you two ever thought of getting together? You'd make a perfect pair, and you know everyone loves a little romance."

Together together?

Marlee blushes furiously. "Well--" She hesitates. Why did she even open her mouth? Harry should be doing all the talking! "--As you can see, Harry's a very attractive guy, but really, we're just friends."

Gemma waves her comment away, rolling her eyes. "That's what they tell everybody. We know there's something between them, they just don't want to admit it."

Harry awkwardly pushes up the shades he's wearing to hide his eyes. He can feel Marlee glaring at his sister from his left.

"Didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, folks," Dwight apologizes. "And it looks like we're about out of time, now, though. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today."

He turns to the camera. "Now that all your questions for Harry have been answered, let's pop over with Jill to see what's happening on these roads."

"Finally," Harry says once it's over. "Just one more of these things left."

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